L. I. C. & M. I. eStfTKftfc lili^D^^IQ lili^KS^M. The Messenger of the Catholic Church (Camhro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. Vol. I. 1st January 1910. No. 20. *t* f|* if* •$» •$? ffe» ff«» rf«» "sf? rf? •$* •$* *$? *fa »f<* *f? *$* *&* •$? *$• •$«* *$• *$? *&• *l? 4* *l? *it«* •»?«• •$* ^ *$* NEW YEAR'S DAY. The Feast of this day was instituted in memory of our Blessed Lord's voluntary sub¬ mission to the Circumcision. Then he began His office of Mediator, and took on Him the tokens, the sufferings and the debt of Sin : He offered Himself as a victim of expiation, and shed His blood for the first time. Besides offering up Himself as an oblation of infinite price, He consecrated His whole self, and every instant of His mortal life, to our service. How great was this love of God for men ! Let us give back our love for His love. We enter to-day on a new year: let us conse¬ crate the beginning of it to God who has so loved us, and let this consecration be so entire that every day and every minute shall be employed in His service and to His greater glory. We will offer to Him also our soul and body, and be ready to shed the last drop of our blood in proof of our fidelity and our love. The angel had said to Joseph : "Mary shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people." This name was given Him on this day of His circumcision, the eigth day after His birth. And the Divine Child verified this beautiful and glorious name (which signifies Saviour) by shedding His blood for us, of which a single drop is sufficient, and more than enough, for the redemption and salvation of the whole world. Far happier than the children of Abraham, we became by holy Baptism, of which Cir¬ cumcision was but the faint shadow, the adopted children of God and inheritors of His Kingdom, we became Christians and brothers of Jesus Christ and co-heirs with Him. Do we fulfil the solemn meaning of these glorious titles ? Let us profit by the circumstance of the new-beginning year, and of the wonderful re¬ newal wrought in the world by the great mystery of this day, to renew in our hearts an increase of fervour and generosity in the service of God. (From "Practical Meditations"). P.S.—I heartily wish a very happy, bright & prosperous New Year to all the members, young and old, of the Llanrwst Catholic Church,—to all the friends, from near and afar, of our little " Messenger, "—and to all our enemies, whoever and wherever they may be : May God Almighty bless them all! G.M. TEEBAOL, O.M.I.