A CH^ L. I. C. & M. I. e^K&D vvgD^mq liii^jvs^m. The Messenger of the Catholic Church (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. Vol. I. 25th December 1909. No. 19. f$? •$? «$* *&• •$• *&• *$• •$* °fa 4* *fa 4? *fa *fa *$? •$? *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *$» *$? *fa ^h •$* *fc *fa *fc *fa •$? *fa GLORIA IN EXGELSIS!... " Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all the people : for this •day is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David...You shall find the Infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger...Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will!" (St. Luke, n, 10-14). " Christ is born for us in Bethlehem .'...Merry Christmas bells, we hear you beyond the howling of the storms, we hear you ringing in our hearts,- telling us of love,...love,... love ! You tell us of mercy and love from a good God to His children ;—you tell us of heaven stooping down to earth, in order to lift earth to heaven ;—you tell us of a little Child born in Bethlehem, twenty centuries ago, a little Child called Jesus, around whom angel choirs sang their Glorias, because He, Whom men had been expecting, had come to •die for them and save them 1" (" Poor Souls' Friend "). " Christ is born for us in Bethlehem !...Oh ! come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumph¬ ant : hasten, Oh I hasten to Bethlehem; see in a manger the Monarch of Angels:—Oh! come, and let us worship Christ the Lord !"... Yes, Catholics of Llanrwst and District, my dear Brethen, let us all celebrate, with great solemnity and fervent devotion, the glorious Anniversary of our Blessed Saviour's Nativity ; let us all come to Church, to Mass, to Communion, on this holy Day... We Christians, we are Chistians, because Christmas Day came into our lives. Our hope in Heaven is through the love of Christmas Day, Let us be happy, then, let us be merry, for Christ our Lord is born for us a Babe in Bethlehem I Yes, "this is the day whichthe Lord bath made : let us rejoice and be glad in it !"... A happy Christmas to all: a Christmas with Christ,—a Christmas with his Im¬ maculate Mother, with her who was found without stain and who was chosen to be the Mother of tne incarnate Word,—and with her spouse, the faithful Joseph '...Imma¬ culate Mother and Saint Joseph, obtain for all every Christmas joy and blessing : " Nadolig 11awen i bawb !" G.M. TEEBAOL, O.M.I.