L. I. C. & M. I. e*tfw&b Mi^d^^iq vti&jng&m- The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Cambro Breton Mission). LLANRWST, North Wales. °* a"c'hv^ vol. I. 21st Novembee 1909. No. 14. ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* We take the liberty of publishing part of an encouraging letter, which we have just received from a "Welsh Nun, of the Sacred Hearts Convent, Paris : Dear Father Trebaol,—Very many thanks for your kind note and also for the very interesting little " Cennad," which I was delighted to receive. I have read it every word, over and over again : for all is of interest to me, since it comes from my beloved country, dear old Wales ! I am sure the " Cennad " must do an immense amount of good. You may perhaps not see the fruits at once, but you will doubtless do so shortly. It seems to me that you are doing splendid work there, by the list of marriages, baptisms, &c., where the names are, principally, thoroughly Welsh ones.... It is a glorious thing to be able to do such a fine work among souls, as you are doing. Coming from Catholic Brittany, perhaps it seems sometimes to you as if you were making but little headway ; but, even if you only win some few souls and lay the seeds for future conversions, what a grand work you will still be doing ! What happiness to be able to win even one soul to God ! How much more to win the numbers you are winning gradually back to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the love of Our Blessed Mother, who was formerly so dearly loved in Wales ! How I wish it were in my power to do something to help you in your work; but, at least, I can pray, aud, perhaps, our Divine Lord will grant that my poor prayers may at least help to make your burden a little lighter and your work less difficult among those: whom I so dearly love. Be sure then that I pray with all the fervour of my heart for my country, but above all for your Mission at Llanrwst,—and that I take the greatest inter¬ est in all your work there__ With very kind regards, I remain yours very sincerely in the SS.HH., Sister Mary Stella (Morgan Thomas), ss.hh.