L. I. C. & M. I. e^KK&D Mi^D^^CIQ lili&J^$^ffi. The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. A Cl-T Se. I. 17th October 1909. No. 9. -fa *fa *fa *fa *fa ffa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa »fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa *fa <fa *fa *fa *fa *fa <fa *fa <fa *fa *fa *fa What is your most important business in this life ?—It is to save your soul. This Is the one thing necessary (St. Luke, x., 42). " What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" says our Blessed Saviour (St. Mark, viii., 36). What must you do to save your soul ?—You must follow the religion taught by Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life (St. John, xiv., 6). " Go ye into all the world," He said to his Apostles, " and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not, shall be damned" (St. Mark, xvi., 15 & 16). How many religions did Christ teach ?—Most certainly only one, for this plain reason, that He cannot contradict Himself. " There shall be one Fold and one Shepherd," He says (St. John, x., 16). And St. Paul tells us, that there is "one Lord" and "one Faith" (Ephes., iv., 5). What, therefore, is to be thought of the many religions in this country?—As our Saviour taught but one religion, it must follow that all these religions are false religions, except one, wherever that is. Hence, St, Paul says, in his Epistle •to the Galatians ^i., 8), " Though we, or an angel from Heaven, preach any other Gospel to you than that which ice have preached, let him be accursed." Is it not very uncharitable to say that all religions are false except one?—It is not more uncharitabe than to point out the right road to you when you are on a journey, and to tell you that all other roads will lead you .astray. But are you not safe in following the religion in which you happen to be born ?—From what you have been reading, it is clear as noonday, that you are not safe in following the religion you are born in, unless it be the one true religion which Christ taught. C.T.S.'s "Friendly Advice."