L. I. C. & M. I. &%jtji&D mi^vXMm li^NS^M- The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Cc&rnforo Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. Se. I. 19th September 1909. No. 5. ft? ff<? ft* *t* f|* *§? ft* ff* ft* ft? ff? ft? ft? ft? ft? f|? ft? ft? ft? f|* ft? ft? f|? ft? ft* ft? ft* ft? ft? ff<? ft? "I? 'V\ "f'J vp ju «y - ^ u o fu xktik © x. rij & I ->—<^®<as^—<— The following letter has appeared, last Thursday, in one of the local papers : Dkak Sir,—Thanks to the courtesy of "Pair Play," I was, last Tuesday night, enabled to attend,—at Seion Chapel, Llanrwst,—a Welsh lecture delivered by a Rev. Mr. Jones, C. M. Missioner at Quimper, on the Welsh Galvinistic Methodist Mission in Brittany. Although, for various reasons, we were (a friend and I) prevented from being present at the commencement of the meeting, we got there early enough for listening to not a few erroneous allegations and calumnious assertions with regard to the Catholic Church in general and particularly the Breton Catholics. May I, then, through the valued medium of your esteemed paper, protest most em¬ phatically against such an unjust and unwarrantable attack. As a Catholic and as a -Breton, I solemnly declare that,my dear fellow-countrymen are not pagans and idolators, that they believe in GOD and adore Our Blessed Saviour JESUS CHRIST, and that they do not worship but only honour the Virgin MARY as Christ's Mother. And as a Priest and a Missioner, I absolutely deny that the Breton Clergy, whom I know for being one of them, do not try their best,—and with splendid results, too,—to cultivate the true Chris¬ tian morality as well as the integral Christian doctrine among their numerous Faithful, who, m return, love and highly esteem them for their pure life,"their unselfish devotedness and their great science. -Che Rev. Mr. Jones contends, for instance, that, after having, for about twenty years, attended the principal sermons at the Cathedral of Quimper (where he usuliy resides), he never had che fortune of hearing a single sermon on our Lord JESUS CHRIST. To be SU1^' ^e must 'oe a little deaf, for I only spent four years of my life over in that city and I protess having listened to many such sermons. to many Praised, loved and adored ever be Our Blessed Lord and Saviour JESU' eternal Son of GOD and the divine Redeemer of mankind ! Christ, the G.M. TREBAOL, O.M.I. Catholic Church, Llanrwst.