L. I. C. & M. I. e^KK&D lili^b^IQ lffc£#&$8?ffl. The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. Se. I. September 5th, 1909. No. 3. 4* 4* 4* 4* 4s 4* 4? 4? 4? 4? 4* 4? 4? 4* 4* 4* 4? 4» 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4* 4* 4? 4* 4? 4* 4* The Church is not the only place for the practice of religioa. The home is also a sacred place in which God must be specially honoured and where the faith of Christians must be planted and fostered. If religioa is not taught and practised at home, the church and school will scarcely be able to preserve it. First of all, let your home be Catholic by the presence of the Crucifix and of other sacred images. Do not be content to have such articles only iu the bed-room : don't be ashamed of your Eeligion, but let your whole house.show the character of your Faith. If your parlour or reception-room is distinguished by the elegance of its furniture, let it show also your taste for religious pictures and ornaments. Above all, keep out of your house all unseemly pictures or representations of love-scenes and nudities, etc., whether they be works of art, ornaments or mere advertisements. Then, besides a good Crucifix and a few sacred pictures, have the Holy Bible, or at least the New Testament, in the principal room, in an honoured position, without anything else lying or placed on the top of it. Keep always in the house a little holy-water and have it in constant use. And remember that you should also have all the religious articles necessary for sick-calls : small table, standing Crucifix, blessed candles, white cloth, white cotton, etc. Now,—and this, of course, is much more important still,—see that all members of the household say their morning and night prayers, and attend to the children's prayers personally. Insist on all members of the family saying grace before and after meals. And let part of the family devotions consist in a reading from the Bible, especially from the Gospels and Epistles, or from the small Bible History ; and read also from the' Catechism, the Lives of the Saints, and from other books of instruction and edification, as well as from some Catholic paper or magazine.—Do this, and God will bless you, your family and your work! (From "Catholic Practice").