L. I. C. & M. I. eitfWkb riTi^xmiq Vh&fug&$&. The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Gambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. A CHV Se. I. 29th August 1909. No. 2. •$» 4* *$? *fa •$? *h •$* *fa «$• *$* *$? •$• •&* *$• *$* *§? *$• *fa *fa •$• •$* •$* *&* •$* *$* 4* *$* «$• *fa $? $* *&* No, my friend,—whoever you may be,— do not try to excuse yourself for not practising your Eeligion, for you yourself, and only you are, the loser. When you quit the Church or neglect your religious duties for any reason, you ace hurting yourself immensely, and hurting others by your bad example, but you are not hurting the Church. If you mean it as a revenge, you are taking revenge, not against the bishop, priest or people, but against GOD Himself; for it is He Who requires you to live up to the Church : " He that despiseth you (the Church), despiseth me," says Christ Himself. Let everyone assure himself that,—though our little Parish or Mission, being so small, might miss him a little,—the Catholic Church can do without him and a few millions of others, and be the grandest institution on earth still. She has done it. When Henry VIII. of England, says the Buffalo " Calendar," threatened to leave the Church and take millions of people with him, should the Pope not grant him a divorce, the Pope answered : " For your own sakes, I hope you will not leave the Church ; but, if you do leave her, the Church will live on without you !" Remember also that the Church cannot dispense with GOD'S own laws or require¬ ments ; if people will not comply with them, they must stand the consequences. As GOD dobs not need you in Heaven, neither does the Church need you on earth. But, since you do need Heaven, if you consult your best interests, so do you need the Church,— as She is the way to Heaven. Satisfy yourself that you cannot get along without the Ghurch. Besides, my friend,—if you have practically left the Church, although you may ' still like to call yourself a Catholic,—remember that you are abusing GOD'S grace (and a very special one, too) and consequently, endangering very foolishly your eternal salvation. You mean, I suppose, to die a Catholic ; but then remember that " GOD is not mocked " and that generally one reaps what one has sowed. Remember all this, and act accordingly I G.M. TEBBAOL, O.M.I.