L. I. C. & M. I. esjKKftD Mi^D^^iQ liii^j^s^m. The Messenger of the Catholic Church, (Cambro Breton Mission), LLANRWST, North Wales. A CHV^ Se L 25th JuLy 19Q9 Nq L ^p 4? *f? 4* *$? 4* 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4? 4? *$» 4? 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* IT T *U hi \# A Catholic Parish or Mission may be likened to a large family, whose members live scattered round about their father's home... As, for some reason or other, many members of the Family, formed by the Catholics belonging to the Llanrwst Mission, do not, every Sunday, attend our Family Meetings,— I mean Holy Mass and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament,—they will always, I am sure, at least welcome an occasional Letter, a little written word from their spiritual Father... The little " Cennad " or "Messenger," my dear Brethren in Jesus Cheist, will always try to interest as well as to instruct you. It will bring home to you the great Truths of our dear holy Eeligion,—remind you of your duties as Men, Christians and Catholics,•—and inform you of the general, diocesan and (more particularly) parochial events that may interest you as Members of the little and scattered congregation of the Llanrwst Catholic Church... Now, my little " Messenger," go round with thy Message, and bring to our Catholic Homes the good tidings of the divine Gospel of Christ ! Go, and spread about a greater knowledge of, and a stronger love for, Almighty God and of His Holy Church ;-spread abroad the Kingdom of our dear Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Whose Heart is burning with love for us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar ;-spread far and wide a sensible and tender devotion to Jesus' Blessed Mother, the ever Immaculate Virgin Mary !... _ Go, little "Messenger," and may God be with thee, and may He pour down His choicest blessings on thy Eeaders, so that, at least in this part of dear old Wales, the old Religion may be better understood, loved and practised !—O Iesu, dyro yn ol y Ffydd i Gymru !... G.M. TEBBAOL, O.M.L, Priest-in-charge. P.S.—Bead and keep the " Messenger " ; 2.—Help me to continue and improve it; 3.—Find new readers and subscribers for it.