©lj£ greamtcm* EDITORIAL. ^ T this time of the Term, when everyone is thinking only of l\ coming Holidays, it seems a hard task to look back into %/ the dim ages and try to recollect what took place at the beginning. However, we seem to remember the new school year commenced auspiciously with a visit from the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Walter Vaughan Morgan, who kindly consented to give away the prizes and to open the new Chemical Laborator)*-. We missed several familiar faces on returning, notably that of Mr. C. H. Broadbent, who has left us to take up the position of second classical master at Bradford Grammar School. We wish him all success. We would also like to take this opportunity of extending a hearty welcome to Mr. Haslam and Mr. Downs, who have filled the vacancies on our staff. The football season has been tolerably successful, and although we failed to beat our old opponents, Llandovery College, yet the total number of wins just outnumbers the total of losses. Especially gratifying was the victory over Monmouth Grammar School and the double defeat of Hereford City. We offer our congratulations to J. C. M. Dyke on swelling our already formidable list of internationals. It is a consola¬ tion to know that he, at any rate, did not fail to satisfy the somewhat censorious press at Swansea,