©tye grjecotttcm* EDITORIAL. "Tj / E are approaching the end of yet another Summer Y Y Term, and those terrible Examinations, which mar what would be otherwise it peaceful close, are already- beginning to loom large on the horizon, warning us that it is time once more to bethink us of our Editorial duties. In the first place we must record the sad news of the death of Mr. Clements, who died during the Easter holidays. His death came as a heavy blow to us, for in the few terms he was with us, he had won the affection of all. Mr. A. E. C. Morgan has also left us and gone into residence at St. Michael's College, Aberdare. It is hard to say what a loss this is to the School games, to which he unselfishly devoted so much of his time. He has not, however, severed all connection with his old School, but has paid us frequent visits. We would also like to take this opportunity of extending a hearty welcome to Mr. Sandberg and Herr Hogrebe, who have filled the vacancies on the staff. The Cricket season has been tolerably successful; out of fourteen matches played by the First Eleven, six have been won, three lost, and five drawn. Especially gratifying were the victories over Monmouth Grammar School—a very creditable