©Jje gtrjecotttcm* EDITORIAL. ris now our duty to pen a preface to yet another number of The Breconian. Too long already has the evil hour been put off, and the printer's imperious commands find us wholly unprepared. So many " Editorials" have been previously com¬ posed for this season of the year that it is hard to be original. In despair we sometimes wonder whether our worthy prede¬ cessors experienced such difficulty in composing those paragraphs the perusal of which fills us with mingled envy and admiration. We will, however, refrain from wearying our readers with a long dissertation on nothing in particular, but, asking their indul¬ gence for our poor efforts, proceed straight to business. The hockey season has this year been attended with remark¬ able success. Up to the time of writing, out of eleven matches played seven have been won, three lost, and one drawn ; while especially gratifying were our victories over such formidable opponents as Abergavenny, Hereford, and the Depot; to this last team their defeat at our hands meant the loss of their record. In addition to our "Rugger" Internationals, two former members of the School have obtained the honour of representing the Principality in hockey, W. E. Jones and M. Stratton. We take this opportunity of offering both our heartiest congratu¬ lations.