'»»»»»»»< ©;!}£ §v££oman+ EDITORIAL. EHEU FUGACES! Once more we are at the beginning of a new School year, and new hands ply the editorial pen. During the Michaelmas term the chief source of interest is the football. This year we have had a remarkably successful season, culminating in a decisive victory over our old opponents, Llandovery, the first time that success has crowned our efforts against them in football since 1898. Our captain, G. Llewellyn, has been well nigh overwhelmed with congratulations. Accounts of this and the other matches will be found below. Turning to matters scholastic, we offer our heartiest congratulations to M. H. Phillips, who has further added to his long list of successes by gaining the " Powys" and the " Copleston " Exhibitions. In briefly summarising the events of this term we must not omit to mention the great loss the School has sustained in the departure of Mr. Lattimer, who for the past nine years has been an assistant master here. He always took the keenest interest in the welfare of the School, both on the playing fields and in the class-room. For many a year he was President of the Games Committee, and performed the by no means insignificant duties attached to that position thoroughly and well. His services with regard to the athletics cannot be over-estimated, while be was invaluable in all entertainments