©lj£ Qxzconian. EDITORIAL. ONCE again has returned the day when the printer calls for ' copy,' and the hapless Editor racks his memory for the shadowy events of the past term. To add to his man¬ ifold misfortunes the sun must now shine in his strength, and the thermometer must go up. At the time of writing the mercury is 8o° in the shade, and the task is far from enviable. Still, good honest heat is far better than the miserable rain that we have had during the past two years, and we have had one of the best summers of recent years. We must first refer to the serious loss which the school has sustained by the loss of Mr. Bartley. During the last eight years Mr. Bartley has been one of the foremost figures in the life of the School. In the school games a more enthu¬ siastic, a more capable coach could not be found, and he was no less prominent in every form of entertainment organised in connection with the school. He was thorough in everything and his loss will be keenly felt. We can only express our thanks to him for the many services he has rendered the school, and wish him and Mrs. Bartley every success in their new sphere of labour.