©ije ^vzzonian. EDITORIAL. THE customary Play, as we indicated in our last issue, was not given at the end of the Christmas term. A Concert was arranged in its stead and took place on December 17th. It was from beginning to end a great success, the organi¬ zation being in every way complete. The Glee Society performed their part with no little skill and repayed the care bestowed upon them. The efforts of the old Breconians were received with great enthusiasm and were perhaps the most gratifying feature of the whole programme. The thanks of the School are due to both those who took part and those who organized it. The Old Boys match which took place earlier in the same afternoon resulted in a rather unexpected success for the school by the large margin of 39 points to 10. We were glad to see W. M. Llewellyn in the field again after his severe accident. We wish to offer our heartiest congratulations to our three internationals on their re-selection for the three matches and especially to W. M. Llewellyn who was twice chosen as captain of Wales, an honour that has fallen to the lot of no old Breconian since 1884, when the captain's boots were on the feet of W. P. Owen. The weather during the first half of this term was unspeakable and we had but little hockey during that time, but since half term a peculiar change has taken place, and in the stead of the familiar rain we have had an almost unbroken