©Jj£ <§vgconian. EDITORIAL. THE lamentation of our predecessors has been so pathetic that it was with some diffidence that we assumed the reins of office. Our experience has been similar to theirs and we have received much too little aid in the form of contributions towards the com¬ position of this number. We wish to give the School due notice that we are willing to receive, and acknowledge with thanks, any help in the form of such contributions as are of general interest. The prominent feature of this term has been the per¬ sistent downpour of rain. Without offering statistics, we may safely assert that the amount of rain during the first half creates a record. Consequently, we have been able to appreciate the periods of fine weather with which we have been favoured occasionally. We must next speak of an innovation, or rather change, in the festivities usually held at the end of this term. We refer to the concert. It has been a custom of late years to present a play at the end of the Christmas term. This year we have decided to hold a concert instead. Amongst other items of the programme, we are pleased to notice that Old Boys have kindly placed their services at our disposal. The Glee Society have been practising their Cantata very assidu- pusly, and We hope that tlie concert will prove a great success,