C£Jj£ greomttm* EDITORIAL. eONGRATUI^ATIONS to E. D. T. Jenkins on his First Class in Classical Moderations, we were all very glad to hear of it. We were unable to give an account of the Sports in our last number so it has stood over until now. We offer our congratulations to E- M. James on winning the Challenge Cup. The competition in all the events was keener than it has been for some years and we hope this keenness will continue. The general interest in the proceedings was very gratifying to those concerned in them, for the arrangement of the Sports entails a great deal of work and is a very thankless task unless active interest is shewn by all members of the School. Our Cricket Season has been on the whole a successful one. With the most useful members of last year's XI. gone, the prospects at the beginning of the Season were none too encouraging, but most praiseworthy efforts were shewn on every hand, and the recruits from the Second Eleven improving consistently, a satisfactory side was got together. Of our three School Matches we won two, the finish to the Llandovery Match being most exciting, and the result very pleasing to us. Our Second Eleven started well, winning their first three Matches, but they failed to maintain their form towards the close of the Season. Cricket in the Junior Games has been