®Jje Qvsconian. EDITORIAL. lEFORE perusing the literary effort with which it is usual to begin each number, our readers will doubt¬ less have observed an alteration in the outward appearance o± The Breconian; we hope it will meet with their approval. To J. W. Jenkins and T. P. James we gladly offer our thanks for the help they have given us to bring about the change. The photograph of the buildings on the front has not been engraved in quite a satisfactory manner, and it is only lack of time which compels us to use the block this term in its present form. We hope by next July to have several improvements made in the engraving of the design, and shall be very much pleased to receive suggestions and criticisms on the cover from any of our readers; these should be given to the Editors before the end of term. We congratulate A. F. Sladden, who has obtained a Scholarship for Natural Science at Jesus College, Oxford, of the value of £80 a year. The doings at the end of last term will be found fully chronicled in these pages ; they were, as usual, very interesting and enjoyable. This term the Hockey XI. had an unusually long list of fixtures, but owing to the deluges of rain,' to which we have been subjected of late, many of them were not played. Those which have been played have been attended by a fair measure of success.