Vol. II. No. 7. rvwwwvrwwwvvwwwww 'ttfy?fTf»»»f»*f*TT*t*f' HE IIIRECONIAN ■*--*--*--*--*--*--^-^-^-^-^-*--^-*--^-^-*'---^-*-^-^-^-^^^^-*---^-^-^^-^^-^^-^-^- MIDSUMMER TERM, 1890. CONTENTS: Editorial The Bishop of Bangor Oxford Letter Cambridge Letter "A Crock's Lament." A Day in the City of the Dead A Eootball Sketch Athletic Sports "Go forth and live" Eootball Debating Society Occasional Notes Library News Correspondence Acknowledgments Accounts T. JONES, PEINTEE AND STATIONEE, BULWAEK, BKECON.