CRONICL Y CEBDDOB: CYLCHGRAWN MISOL, At wasanaeth Cerddoriaeth yn mhlith y Cymry. O DAN OLTCIAETH YN CAEL EI Y TONIC SOL-FFA D. EMLYN EV4NS, GYNORTHWYO ÎN NODIANT GAN M. O. JONES, A.O. Cyf> III. Rhif 30. RHAGFYR 1, 1882. Pris 2g-. DR. PARRY'S NEW MUSIC. JOSEPH; An Easy and Popular CANTATA (Cantawd Syml a Phoblogaidd), most suitable for young Choirs, and the Choruses can be learnt by Children, being simple and talcing. Yn hwrpasol i gorau ieuainc, a'r cydganau o feẃn cyrhaedd 'plant. Old Notation, loith English and Welsh Words, 2s.; Soìfa ( Welsh Words only), 8d. TELYN YR YSGOL SUL; Part III, Solfa, now ready, Price M.; Parts I é II, Solfa, Reduced to 3d. each; Old Notation, Part I, 6d. Mae " Telyn yr Ysgol Sul" yn dyfod yn un o'r llyfrau mwyaf gwasanaethgar yn yr iaith Gymreig; am fod y geiriau mor dda, a'r gerddoriaeth mor hawdd a phoblogaidd. BOOK OF SONGS; (LLYFR 0 GANEUON.) Yn bump o Ranau: Pris, hen Nodiant ls. 6ch., Sol-ffa ls. y Rhan. Mae pob rhan yn cynwys darlun hardd o'r Awdwr. BOOK QF DUETS; (LLYFR O DDETJAWDAU ) Yn ddwy o Ranau: Pris, Hen Nodiant ls.; Sol-ffa 6ch. y Rhan. Mae y ddwy Ran yn cjmwys y Darlun.___________ EMMANUEL; (AnOratorio.) OìdNotation,PaperCover,6s. I Solfa, Paper Cooer, Ss. Cloth Boards, 8s. „ Cloth Boards, 4/6. ,,ElegantlyBound,lOJ6. \ „ Elegantly Bound,6s. ' BLÖDWEN; (An Opera.) Dedicated by Special Permission to H.R.H. the Prince-ss of Wales. (Cyflwynedig i Dywysoges Cymru.) Old Notation, Paper Cover, 5s. „ Cloth Boards, 7$. „ ElegantlyBound,l0/6. Sofa, Paper Cooer, 2s. Cloth Boards, 3/6. Elegantly Bound, 5s. CONGREGATIONAL ANTHEMS; Yn ddwy o Ranau ; Pns 6ch. y lihan. CHORAL LIST. Forty-Six Choruses, suitable for Competition, Concerts, &c; the attention of Eisteddfod and Concert Committees is drawn to this list of excellent and cheap Choruses, all are marlced as to their grades of difficulty. Dymunir galw sylw ein Cerddorion at GOR Y LLAN, . . . Cyfres Fisol o Ddarnau hawdd a byr, yn y ddau nodiant gjda geiriau Cymreig a Saesnig, at wa*sanaeth Corau Teuanc ein Gwlad. ' FrÌB 2g. y Rhifyn. Cyhoeddir y Rhifyn Cyntaf Ionawr laf, 1883, dan yr enw • "HEN GLYCHAÙ'R LLAN," • - Cvdtran Ddesgrifiadol i S.A.T.B. Blaendal Blynyddol, 2s.; J drwy y Post, 2s. 4c.___________________ , Allorders to beprepaid and addressed (pob archeb gyda blaen-dal i'w hanfon) :—J. PARRY & SON, Miisic Públishers, 9, Castle Street, Swansea. JhEORY OF ^IuSIC AND £oMPOSiTION TAUGHT BY C0RRESP0NDEN0E. Address:—Mr. C. FRANCIS LLOYD, Mus. Bac., Oxon., L. Mus., T. C. L., 9 Alma Place, North Shields. Argraffiad newydd^ WEITHIAU °CERDDOROL Y DIWEDDAR JOHN AMBROSE LLOYD. YN AWR YN BAROD GWEDDI HABACUC, Cantata Gj-segredi^, prìa 1/6. ADDOLIAD, Antliem Gynulleidíaol, Prisì^. Y Ddau Nodiant ar yr un copi. DEFFRO, GWISG NEHTH ; Anthem. Pris, Hen Nodiant, 6cli., Sol-ífa, 3c. GOSTYNGIAD I GORAU. Ymofyner a J. Ambrose Lloyd,Grosvenor Park Road Chester ; William Hnghes, Dolgelley; I. Jones, Treherbert; a'r holl Lyfrwerthwyr." MSÌcIircÖLÌ^Í'ÔFẄÂLË& PRINCIPAL...................................DR. PARRY. ASSISTANT...............JOSEPH HAYDN PARRY. September term opened Monday the \8th. Alraxdy 100 Students. Three S:holarships. Medals and Prizes are awarded annualhy. Fees—£1 10s.; £2 2s.; £4 4s., and £6 6s. per term. ^NATÌONAL E/STEDDr^^OFWrÌLESr (Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru.) CARDIFF MEETING 1883. The Committee of the National Eisteddfod offer a prize of ten guineas for the hest LIBRETTO of a DRAMA.TIC CHARACTER, suitablo for eetting to mnsic, Welsh subject With Welsh and Englieh words. Subject and treaiment to he at the discretion of the writer. To be in the hands of the Secretary beforo the 31st of December next. Banh Chambers, DAVID EVANS, 6HighSL, CARDIFF. Secretary. PRICE FOURPENCE. "CATHLAU BETHLE'M," A Christmas Carol, in both Notations, words and music by EOS BRADWEN. May be had of thefautbor, EOS BRAD WEN, 3 Lisson Terrace, Rhyl. The usu al reduction will be raade to choirs in gix or mor» copi®».