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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i8th, 1888. The Proprietors of this Paper have insured for £100 against fatal Railway Accidents every purchaser of same in the General Accident and Employer's Liability Assur¬ ance Association, Limited, 1, Dolphin St., Bristol, under a Legally Stamped Policy. See Coupon Inside. Cardiff and Soutl] Wales PUT IN EVERY HONEST HAND A WHIP." TOOTHACHE!! TOOTHACHE!!! i Immediate RELIEF from COUGH! Lewis's American Odontic IS THE ONLY CEBTAM CUBE FOR TOOTHACHE. Lewis's Pectoral Balsam Is the Best and Safest Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness, and all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. Sold:everywhere in Bottles, at 7|d. &1/1|. Sold Everywhere in Bottles, at l/ljd. and 2/9. Sole Proprietors— JAMES LEWIS & Co., Limited, 8, St. John's Square, Cardiff. Hofcls. ROSE & CROWN HOTEL, North, Road, Cardiff. WINES AND SPIRITS Ales and Cigars of the finest quality. HOT & COLD LUNCHEONS DAILY From 1 till 2.30. GOOD BEDS AND STABLING. R.A.O.B., THURSDAY EVENINGS. F. A. MAGGS, Proprietor. Under New Management. CROSS KEYS HOTEL (Crockherbtown.) QUEEN ST., CARDIFF. EDMUND GEORGE, Late of Porth, Rhondda Valley, has taken the above Hotel, and hopes his friends will give him their patronage and support. Ales. Wines and Spirits of the best quality. Cigars of the choicest brands __________Good stabling._______^^ BALLS, BANQUETS, ETC. Messrs. BANES & KOBINSON Supply FiksT-CLASs BANDS (large or small) for above. For Terms, &c„ apply THOMPSON & SHACKELL, Ld., Music Warehouse, Cardiff. ftofcls, ,11! St. Mary Street, Cardiff. Under New Management. BRAKES, for passengers and parcels, run daily to and from the Hotel to Barry and Cadoxton. Cold Luncheons. Billiards. STABLING. Proprietor, E. J. Smith Opposite Levino's Hall, Queen Street. THE VICTOSlA HOTEL Proprietor, ]. GERHOLD. Nothing but the Best Quality kept. Eta, Enttdcte, Stage and Whip taken in. The Best House to Visit at Penarth, Railway Hotel, Close to the Station. Ales, Wines and Spirits. Proprietor, E. W. DAVIES. -Hotels. CALL AT THE ADEGA Wine and Spirit Vaults, GHURGH STREET Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality. Manager, James Q-ovier (Dad). TO SMOKERS. rt „ S 3 ^g°o a s 23 m *f -a fry «£ H3 p* £ >> a CO ^3 C/5 CD Send Postal Note for 10/6 and get a box of Genuine Foreign GIGKARS Worth Double Wholesale Price. Bought a Bargain! Sold a Bargain! JOB STOCK PURCHASE CO., 14, Clare Street, BRISTOL. 0-4 0$ bjo Unsurpassed are the PHOTOGRAPHS by Mr. FREKE, 12, Duke Street.______ Printed by James Wood and Son, Docks, Cardiff, and Published by the Proprietors, 24, Duke Street, Cardiff, February 18, 1888