. *fcH OF HA/it jj^ ^ttrs^a^^r far tft^ Jj}ett u)f the ^IJel^li Jfcginptri* Vol.! No. 12.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—FEB. 14TH, 1894. lPrice Annas 3' CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Regimental Notes Miscellaneous ... Onr Story-Teller Sporting Notes... Notices to Correspondents Advertisements 145 146 148 153 158 159 160 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Birth. Shacklepoed :—On the 10th January 1894; at Trimulgherry, the wife of Baud- Master Shackleford, of a son (Godfrey Hermou.) Death. Pickering:—On the 20th December 1893, in New Zealand, Captain Ernest William Pickering of the 3rd Battalion, aged 26. EDITOR'S LETTER. THIS Number completes the First Volume of the " Men of Harlech" and our Newspaper is now one year old. The present Editor is obliged temporarily to resign his post as he finds that the distance from Trimul¬ gherry, and the consequent difficulty of obtaining information of what is going on in the Battalion, to say nothing of other calls upon his time, are insuper¬ able obstacles to the conduct of a Regimental Paper. He hopes that his Correspondents will continue their support by sending contributions to the New Editor, and that more may be found amongst those who are able to do so, to help send the news of the Regiment round the World to the friends of the 41st and 69th. To-day we (of the 2nd Battalion) celebrate the Battle of St. Vincent fought on the 14th February 1797 when three hundred men of the 69th, serving as Marines on different ships in the Mediterranean Fleet, took part in Nelson's victory over the Spaniards and won for us the distinction, shared by no other Regiment, of bearing on our colours the words "St. Vincent." It was not until 1891 that this honour was granted mainly owing to the exer¬ tions of H. R. H. The Duke of Coburg, then Duke of Edinburgh. An account of the Battle, chiefly described in Nelson's own words, will be found elsewhere in our columns. The Warrant Officers, Staff Ser¬ geants and Sergeants of the 2nd Battalion keep green the memory of the Battle by holding a Quadrille Party on this date. It will we are sure be as thoroughly successful as their dances always are, and we greatly regret that we shall not be able to be present. The sum of money presented to the Duchess of York on her mar¬ riage by Officers of all branches of the Army, amountingto nearly £1,600, has now been handed over by her Royal Highness to the Cambridge Asylum as a separate fund, to be known as " The presentation from the Duchess of York of her Wedding Gift from Officers of the Army." The Honorary Secretary of the Officers' Wedding Grift Committee has received the following letter :—" It is with very sincere grati¬ tude that I offer through you to the officers of the army past and present, my best and warmest thanks for the munificent gift you and they have enabled me to present to the Royal Cambridge Asylum for Soldier's Widows instituted in memory of my grandfather, the late Duke of Cam¬ bridge. Be assured that I am deeply touched by the kind manner in which so many have responded to your appeal, and that no present could have given me greater pleasure. Victoeia Maey."