% fj&yvii$H$ip far tK^ J%n *>)f the liM^h JJ^egitt[ent» Vol.1. No. 11.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—J ANY. .14TH, 1894. [Price Annas 3. Page Editor's Letter ... 123 Regimental Notes ... 124 Miscellaneous ... ... 139 Sporting Notes... ... 140 Notices to Correspondents ... ... ... 14.2 Advertisements ... 143 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Death. White:—On the 18th December, 1893, at Trimulgherry, Esmee Lilian Maud, the infant daughter of Color Sergeant White. ---oofttjoo— EDITOR'S LETTER. WE will begin this year of Our Lord 1894 by wishing all our Subscribers and Correspondents and Readers of every Age, Sex, Rank, Profession and Calling, whether Mili¬ tary or Civil— A HAPPY NEW YEAR !! May every one of their wishes be carried out to their entire satisfaction! May they be free from all ills, chills, bills and pills for the next twelve months ! May all happiness light on them and stay there, and may many more equally happy (and extraordinary) years fall to their lot in the time to come! So much for our well-wishers !— What shall we say to those who dis¬ appointed us last month and obliged us to issue sucli a poor little Number ? Shall we—?—But no. This is a New Year. We will try and be generous and let by-gones be by-gones: They shall have a chance of making a fresh start and regaining our lost opinion. And indeed they have begun well. Correspondence on all sorts of topics comes tumbling in upon us, and our paper this month promises to be a big one. The " Veteran's Banquet" at Car¬ diff fills up a good deal of space, but it will be found interesting reading and will be valuable, we think, in after years, as a record of a Welsh tribute to valour. A great many of these old warriors are in very poor circum¬ stances, and we note that subscrip¬ tions are being got up for them in Wales. Cannot we do something for them too in tlie Regiment ? You will see in the list the names of several who served in the 41st who have a special claim on us, but all of those in need have a right to look to English¬ men for help. An account will also be found of the arrival of the 1st Battalion at Pem¬ broke Dock on the 24th November. We hope that we shall hear from some of our Correspondents in the 41st when they have settled down into their new quarters. In one of the home papers we see that some of the N.-C. Officers of the Battalion com¬ plained on reaching England of the accommodation and food provided on the Himalaya, and that an independent witness considered that neither food nor accommodation were any worse than that usually provided on board troopers. We hope not. They appear to have had some rough weather coming home. ' Truth9 says " One of the Navy recruiting regulations ordains that a candidate must not have more than seven decayed or unsound teeth" and state that many men are lost to the Navy owing to this rule. ' Can any¬ thing,' he asks, * be more idiotic ?' It seems to us sound enough. Has ' Truth' neverheard the story of the little girl who begged her grandpapa not to let her brother Teddy kill the blue bottle on the window ?—" Why not my dear ?" asks the old man,