c *tH OF H4/? ^ursp^r (jor % Jfflen 0)) tlie fflel^It jlegittpni Vol.! NO. 10.] TRIMULGHERRY, DE.CCAN, INDIA-DEC. I4TH, 1893. [Price Annas 3. CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Regimental Notes Sporting Notes... Notices to Correspondents Advertisements Page ... 115 ... 117 ... 120 ... 121 ... 122 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Births. Norman:—On the 17fch November at Trimulgherry, the wife of No. 1875 Pte. Norman, of a daughter (Mary Monica.) Gtaughan :—On the 24th November, at Trinmlgherry, the wife of Color-Sergeant D. Gaughan, of a daughter. (Grace Kath¬ leen). Deaths. Geat:—On the 11th November, at Tri¬ mulgherry, the wife of Major H. C. B. Gray, 2/ Welsh Regiment, of Pneumonia. Norman:—On the 27th November, at Trimulgherry, the child of Pte. Norman, aged 11 days. —OOr*JOo— EDITOR'S LETTER. IF we want to find sound common sense views on military matters we always turn to the Broad Arrow and in its issue of the 11th November, there is a good deal that we think it well to reproduce. People write all sorts of rubbish about extra¬ vagance in officer's messes, quite oblivious to the fact that young gentlemen can make their choice according to their means, and are perfectly aware that if they join cavalry regiments, their expenses will be higher than in the infantry, whilst in both branches there are certain crack corps which are more expensive than the general run. As we have already said, more than once, it is not the fault of the officers themselves that living in the mess is not as cheap as might be desired. It is the fault of the authorities that the furniture and plant for officers' quarters and messes are required to accompany them all over the world. A change of station often costs a mess as much, or not in frequently more than £100 for mere conveyance of furniture and effects, without counting further expenditure in quitting and taking over. Were it not for the necessity of providing for such extra¬ ordinary expenditure the cost of actual messing might be reduced, comparatively speaking, to a mere trifle. When, we wonder, will the author¬ ities do anything to help Officers in this direction ? There was some talk of it, we remember, a few years ago, but as there appeared to be an inten¬ tion on the part of the powers that be to begin by confiscating the Mess plate it was considered best to let matters rest as they were. Here is another paragraph worthy of attention— The horses ridden by infantry mounted officers may seldom merit the title of charger, and even in the case of those professionally qualified, there are some people by whom the term is considered inappropriate, because the animal is not supposed to " charge." Called by whatever name, however, a horse costs money, and can rarely be obtained upon credit. A sound animal, say six years old, fairly good-looking, with tolerable quality and action, and up to an average weight, cannot readily be met with under about eighty sovereigns. There are not a few officers who are the sons of parents with very moderate fixed incomes, and absolutely without a farthing of capital which they can lay hands upon. The poorer the man, the less, as a rule, his experience of horses. Anxious to avoid heavy expenditure, the new-fledged adjutant or field-officer tries to buy ' a cheap one,' and suffers accordingly. In the end, perhaps, he is suited, but not until he has thrown away considerably more than would have secured a satisfactory purchase in the first instance ... If some of those who cry so loud about extravagance would only turn their attention to helping officers to meet the necessary expenses thrust upon them by regulation, they might do some real good in place of wasting time in the pursuit of shadows. For instance why should not officers be permitted to buy chargers from the remount establishment at fair prices? Every animal having been proved genuine, officers of slender means would at least be in a position to pay their money without risk of being swindled. An excellent suggestion. Is there any difficulty in the way of its being carried out ? We are glad to see that one griev¬ ance has been adjusted to at last and that Hation Stoppages for Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men proceeding to and from