x x xx xx x Vol.! No. 8.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA-OCT. 14TH, 1893. [Price Armas S. CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Regimental Notes Miscellaneous ... Sporting Notes •••• Notices to Correspondents Answers to Correspondents Advertisements ■ •• Page ... 89 ... 91 ... 93 ... 96 ... 98 ... 98 ... 99 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Births. Freeston :—On the 1st September 1893, at Trimulgherry, the wife of Color-Sergt. Gr. Freeston, of a son. Dale :—On the 25th September 1893, at Trimulgherry, the wife of Sergt. C. Dale, of a daughter (Still born). Deaths. Thomas:—On the 3rd September, at Tri- mulgherry, found drowned Lce.-Corporal W. J. Thomas, age 26 years and 3 months. Wedmore :—On the 12th September, at S. S. Hospital, Trimulgherry, of Enteric Fever, Pte. Thomas Wedmore, age 22 years and 3 months. Ma wee :—On the 18th August, at Hythe, Captain F. G. Mawer, late Welsh Regi¬ ment, age 40. —flOrO^OO— EDITOR'S LETTER. THE latter part of August and the beginning of September have been very wet in Secunderabad and although this is a time of the year when heavy rains are to be expected, the rainfall this season has been very great indeed. " The following details, " taken from the Register kept at the " Central Station Hospital (we quote " from the Trimulgherry and Bolarum "Parish Magazine) may be of some "interest. During the twelve years, " that observations have been recorded "in the Register, the average rainfall " (exclusive of this year) has been "36*29 inches. The largest rainfall " was last year, when it amounted to " 52'1 inches though that will be beaten " this year, the amount registered up " to September 12thbeing51*59 inches. " The smallest rainfall in the period "was 23-62 inches in 1891. The " largest on anyone day was 4/75 inches " on November 3rd 1885 and the next "4-50 inches on July 31st 1892. An " inch of rain means that one hundred "tons of water fall on an acre of "ground. The highest temperature "registered during the twelve years " was 102° on May 11th, 1883. Some " years,thethermometer never touched " 100° at all, and when it did so it was " only on a very few days in May. " Some of our compatriots in the North - " "West Provinces, the Punjab, and Sind " would tell us that we can hardly " know what hot weather is ! " Well, we've had it quite hot enough ; and lately quite wet enough and are glad to get a little dry weather again. "We regret to have to record the death at Hythe, on the 18th August of Captain F. Gr. Mawer, who was gazet¬ ted out of the Regiment on retirement only two days before. He had been on sick leave from the Depot for some months, but his death, at the com¬ paratively early age of 40, was a shock to us all. The Hyderabad Rifle Meeting, which began on the 24th August, ended on the 6th September, was almost spoilt by the continuous rain; but we must con¬ fess that the weather was not entirely to blame for our failure to secure our share of the valuable prizes. Next year we must hope to give a better account of ourselves. Lieut.-Colonel