iprapap^r }0t t T Vol.! No. 7.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—SEPT. 14TH, 1893. [Price Annas 3. CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Regimental Motes Miscellaneous ... Our Story-Teller Sporting and Dramatic Notes Original Poetry ... Notices to Correspondents Answers to Correspondents Advertisements ... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Births. Lawler. :—On the 16th July 1893 at Floriana Barracks, Malta, the wife of Color- Sergeant J. W. Lawler "B" Coy. of a daughter. Pincott :—On the 7fch August, atTrimul- gherry, the wife of Color-Sergeant Pincott, of a daughter. Lloyd :—On the 18th August, at Trimul- gherry, the wife of Color-Sergeant Lloyd, of a son. Marriage. Bennett—O'Reilly:—On the 16th August, at Secunderabad, at the Roman Catholic Cathedral by the Rev. V. Bigi, Private John Bennett, to Catherine O'Reilly. Death, Morgan :—At the South Station Hos¬ pital, Trimulgherry, No. 3588 Private Frank Morgan, age 20. EDITOR'S LETTER. "^TE have, we regret to say, three \ f apologies to offer to our Readers this month. The first on account of the late appearance of the paper which has been kept back owing to the non-receipt of any Regimental Intelligence from correspondents at Trimulgherry. An explanation will probably arrive by and bye. The second due to our correspondents for a printer' s error in our last number by which we were made to ask them to 'pay-up', whereas which we wrote was "play up". "Play or Pay" is the title of a well-known sporting novel, but any one who has read it will have learnt that there is a great difference between the two words. The third apology to " D" Company of the 1st Battalion whose Musketry Record we gave in the August Number without giving the Company letter. The story of the Mutiny at Vellore is concluded in this number ; there is also an account of an expedition some of us made to the old Fort and Ceme¬ tery there. It is a splendid old for¬ tress, built in the old days when the Mahomedans were rulers of the coun¬ try, and very interesting apart from its special connection with the 69th Regiment. It was a great disappoint¬ ment to us to find that the house over the gate way, where our gallant fellows made their last stand, and the gate way itself are so much altered that few traces remain of the original en¬ trance. The Moorish archway, we read of in the story of the Mutiny, the winding roadway between loop- holed walls such as we saw at Beder last year, the ramparts up to which Col. Gillespie was hoisted from his saddle by lowered belts are all gone. But the causeway across the moat is there, and the moat, 50 feet wide, always full of water and covered with lotus lillies, the old walls, the bastions, the narrow causeway leading to the postern-gate in the south side; the postern-gate itself where the false friends entered—all these still remain, and in much the same state as they were eighty-seven years ago. The old barracks have been pulled down and new ones built; a new flagstaff stands where the old one did the fives' court has had another wall added to it and the bloodstained floor has been renew-