t # 0F HARU Vol.1. NO. 6.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—AUG. I4TH, 1893. [Price Annas 3. CONTENTS. Page Editor's Letter ... 61 Regimental Notes ... 62 Miscellaneous ... ... 67 Sporting and Dramatic Notes ... 67 Our Story-Teller ... 72 Poetry ... 72 Acrostics, &c ... ..= 73 Notices to Correspondents ... 73 Answers to Correspondents ... 73 Advertisements ... ... 74 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS, Birth. Jones :—On the 23rd July, at Trimul¬ gherry, the wife of Lance Sergeant D. Jones, of a daughter. Death. Gant :—On the 29th July, at Trimul¬ gherry, Eliza Gant, wife of Sergeant D. Grant. EDITOR'S LETTER. THE Indian Staff Corps lias robbed us of another good-officer. Lieut. C. Gr. Ross Smith has lately been ap¬ pointed to the 5th Infantry, Hydera¬ bad Contingent, which is at present stationed at Raichore in South Deccan. To ensure his being remembered in the Regiment Mr. Smith before leav¬ ing us ordered a Silver Challenge Cup to be made at Messrs. "Weber and Schenck in Secunderabad, to be competed for by the Company Foot¬ ball teams,—whether Rugby or As¬ sociation was left to the Foot-ball Committee to decide. When their decision is made known, information as to conditions of competition will be given to companies. We saw the cup the other day, a 3- handled one, and a very smart little cup it is. May the best Company win it! Though we are now 500 miles from Trimulgherry enjoying the damper climate tempered by sea breezes of Poonamallee, we shall continue to con¬ duct the Paper, and hope that our Correspondents will pay up and give us their support as usual. There are one or two, we cannot help saying it, whose promised contributions for this number have not reached us, and we hope that this is the fault of the Post Office. The Editor's box outside the Orderly Room at Trimulgherry, may still be used for all communications, which the Orderly Room Sergeant will forward to us. Any one wishing to correspond direct is asked to pre¬ pay his letter. Poonamallee is a pretty little place thirteen miles from Madras and five from the nearest Railway Station, Avadi. It is the Convalescent Depot for Madras generally, and may there¬ fore be supposed to be one of the healthiest spots in the Presidency; and that is the character that anyone who has stayed here gives it. The Can¬ tonment contains the Barracks, the village of Poonamallee and several small Parcherries,—or clusters of dwellings, some miniature bungalows occupied by Europeans or Eurasians, some only natives' huts. The whole Cantonment is about one mile square, and is said to contain 7000 inhabitants; but this we believe is slightly exagger¬ ated. There are about 400 Europeans amongst them. The Barracks consist of a hospital, a fine two-storied build¬ ing built of red brick ; a new Barrack for the duty men and convalescents out of hospital—also of red brick and with every possible convenience; offices, canteen, coffee shop, Sergeants' mess, &c, &c, and various private bungalows occupied by the Command¬ ant, Adjutant, Medical Officer, Chap¬ lains and Warrant Officers. There is also the court-house and jail, the terror of all evil-doers. The Married Quarters must not be forgotten. There are eight of them, semi-detached villas, all having occupants. The site on which the hospital stands was at the beginning of the century a fort with a moat some fifty feet wide and ten feet deep surrounding it. The fort has been demolished and the moat is now