jfc ]m^*$*w fpr % jllfn 0tt ^e 1|W$h JfUfl^tt^ Vol, I. No. 5.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—JULY 14TH, 1893. tPriee Annas 3' CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Kegimental Notes Miscellaneous ... Sporting and Dramatic Notes Our Story-Teller letters to Editor Acrostics, &c. ... Notices to Correspondents Answers to Correspondents Advertisements ... Page ... 47 ... 48 ... 54 ... 56 ... 58 ... 59 ... 59 ... 60 ... 60 ... 60 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. Birth. Paish :—On the 24th June, at Trimul- gherry, the wife of Sergeant George Paish, of a son. EDITOR'S LETTER. HE collision between the two battle-ships Victoria and Cam- perdown on the 23rd June, off Tri- polis, in Syria, which resulted so disastrously to those on board the former vessel, is still the chief topic of conversation. Full details are still wanting but it appears from the tele¬ grams received that during some manoeuvres the ram of the Camper- down struck the Victoria and sank her in 15 minutes. Admiral Tryon who was on board hoped at first by run¬ ning on shore to save the vessel and the lives of those on board, but seeing that she was sinking bows first, he ordered every one to look to himself, and went down with the ill-fated vessel as she turned bottom up. Two explosions occurred (presumably when the sea broke into the engine room) as the ship went down; and out of the 718 officers and men on board, 422 including the admiral and most of the officers, lost their lives. A great fire, fortunately attended with no loss of life broke out in the offices of the f Western MaiV in Car¬ diff on Saturday, the 3rd June, and the whole premises were completely gut¬ ted. The Staff however, rose to the occasion, and overcoming every diffi¬ culty, brought out the paper on Monday morning as though fires were an every-day occurrence. We offer them our hearty sympathy in their misfortune, and applaud the pluck with which they have met it. The caretaker Sergt. Farrell, who for 24 years and 4 months served in this Battalion, had some difficulty in getting himself and wife out in time, and, though he managed to save his pension papers and watch and chain, was obliged to leave behind many small possessions, amongst them pre¬ sents received from Officers, N.-C. Officers, and Men of the Regiment which he prized very highly. Another topic of conversation is the Rupee, and now that it is finally set¬ tled to be worth one shilling and four pence we are all anxious to find out what difference it will make to our pay and whether prices will go up or down or remain stationary. To those of us (happy fellows !) who are able to send money home it will of course be a great benefit. "What a delightful climate this would be if it were always the same as it has been this last month. The thermo¬ meter has never risen above 88° and has been down to 73°. The rain that we expected to drown us all out, just wetted us comfortably and though the wind has been throwing the trees down