|t =$»Fsp^r (Jar % Jj|pt a)| the $jjfiA$\i jflegmpni Vol.1. No. 4] Trimulgherry, Deccan, India-June 14TH, 1893. [Price Annas 3. CONTENTS. Page Editor's Letter ... 31 Regimental Notes ... 33 Miscellaneous ... ... 39 Sporting and Dramatic Notes ... 42 Our Story-Teller ... 43 Original Poetry ... 44 Letters to Editor ... 44 Acrostics, &c ••• ... 46 Notices to Correspondents ... 46 Answers to Correspondents ... 46 Advertisements ••• ... 46 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. Births. Mans ell :—On the 1st May, at Trimul¬ gherry, the wife of Corpl. J. Mansell, of a son (Joseph William). Phillips :—On the 7th ultimo, at Trimul¬ gherry, the wife of Corpl. B. Phillips, of a son. Gant:—On the 22nd May last, at Trimul¬ gherry, the wife of Sergt. D. Gant, of a daughter. Gaeside :—On the 25th ultimo, at Trimul¬ gherry, the wife of Color-Sergt. Eli Garside, of a son. Deaths. Fox-Powys :—On the 14th of April 1893, Colontl Fox-Powys, late of 69th Begiment. EDITOR'S LETTER. IT is with great regret that we have to record the death on the 3rd of May of Lieut-General Sir James Dormer, k.c.jb., Commander-in-Chief for the Madras Presidency. The en¬ counter with a tigress which led to the unfortunate event is, by this time, only too familiar to our Readers. It was a sad and sudden ending to the career of a gallant soldier, under whom both Battalions have had the good fortune to serve in more than one station. He was in command of the Troops on board, when this Bat¬ talion returned from Gibraltar in 1879, and as Major-General Commanding the Dublin'District in 1886-87, we met him again. The First Battalion knew him as Major-General in Com¬ mand of the Troops in Egypt in 1887- 89, and on coming to this country we again found ourselves serving under him. The Army has lost in him a brave, untiring zealous soldier. His record is a brilliant one. Entering the Ar¬ my in 1853 as an ensign in the 13th Foot, he was promoted to be Lieuten¬ ant in the following year. In 1855, he was appointed Adjutant of his re¬ giment, and in that capacity served in the Crimean War, being present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol and at the battle of Tchernaya. He also served in the Indian Mutiny, and was present at the relief of Azimghur and the campaign in Gorrackpore in 1858 ; and was mentioned in despatches. He was afterwards made aide-de-camp to Lord Clyde, and as such took part in the actions during the Oude and Trans-Gogra campaign of 1858, and for his services was mentioned in des¬ patches, and received the brevet rank of Major. In I860, Major Dormer went to China as Assistant-Adjutant- General to the Expeditionary Force, and was present throughout the oper¬ ations of that campaign, including the taking of the Taku forts, the advance on and entry into Pekin. His services in this campaign were reward¬ ed by promotion to an unattached majority. In 1869 he was made Depu¬ ty Assistant Quartermaster-General at Headquarters; and in 1874 Assist¬ ant Adjutant-General and Assistant Quartermaster-General successively of the South-Eastern District. He was promoted to be Colonel in 1875; and