% $W*$%W )W % J$L*n 4 fl» ^ffe¥* J|U3«n*«*- Vol.1. No. 3.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA—MAY I4TH, 1893. [Price Annas n. CONTENTS. Page Editor's Letter ■ 15 Regimental Notes . 17 Miscellaneous ... 20 Sporting and Dramatic Notes . 23 Onr Story-Teller . 25 Original Poetry 27 Letter to Editor 28 Acrostics, &c. ... 29 Notices 29 Answers to Correspondents 29 EDITOR'S LETTER. WE are sorry that the Paper was so late putting in an appear¬ ance last month. We had hoped to place it in our Readers' hands by the 14th, but it was not until the 23rd that we were able to do so. The manuscript has to go to Madras to be printed, the proofs to be sent to us here, and when corrected to go back again to Madras and then the Paper in its complete state has to make its last journey to our Office again. This cannot possibly be done under a fort¬ night, last month indeed it took even longer, but by getting the copy away on the last day of the preceding month, we hope in future, that our Subscri¬ bers will not be disappointed of their copies on the 14th of each month. A word to those who are not Sub¬ scribers, " Subscribe." It will save you expense and us a lot of trouble. The terms of subscription will be found at the end, and for Annual Subscribers Us. 2 includes postage. Their copies will be sent to them wherever they may be. Those who have sent in their names as Monthly Subscribers will not have copies sent to them but will be able to purchase them at the Coffee-shop. Back numbers may be had on application to the Editor. Our Readers will notice a slight al¬ teration to the heading of the Paper : the inverted commas have been re¬ moved and the type altered, the orig¬ inal type having been found out of proportion to the rest of the title- page, and the commas superfluous. We hear a most terrible rumour about the Welsh Dragon, which throws so much discredit on him that we are loth to believe it, and even if it were proved to be true, we could never dare to print it. The number of our correspondents is, we are glad to say increasing. You will find a couple of letters from our Sub-Editor at Wellington, further on which seem to bring a cool breeze to us from the hills. Another corres¬ pondent at that station writes : ' The whole place is green and jolly, the hills all covered with woods and bracken : streams wind through the woods, forming cascades and water¬ falls : tree-ferns and rhododendrous grow wild on all the hill sides. Roses flourish luxuriantly every¬ where. They are in full bloom now and covered with masses of large, wide-opening roses like the old- fashioned English-garden ones. The English wild rose is also plentiful. Wellington is of course a very hilly place, the only level spot in it being the Gymkhana ground which is situa¬ ted in a little hollow shut in and sur¬ rounded by hills on every side, whose wooded slopes rise up sheer from the edge of the little race-course which runs round the ground ... A tiny burn with steep sides, twelve or fourteen feet across at the top, bisects the ground and forms a most excellent 'bunker' for the Golfers, parties of whom may be seen every afternoon endeavouring, with a heart¬ breaking number of strokes, to release