•••JtBfi OF jy Jt IjIfMjp^fr )(ar % Jj|£it ajf the 33M$h liegmpnt* Vol.1. No. 2.] Trimulgherry, deccan, India-April 14TH, 1893. \PriceAnnas 3- CONTENTS. Editor's Letter Regimental Notes Miscellaneous ... Sporting and Dramatic Notes Our Story-Teller Original Poetry Jokes Letter to Editor Notice Answers to Correspondents Page ... 1 ... 2 ... 5 ... 10 ... 10 ... 11 .... 12 ... 12 ... 13 ... 13 EDITOR'S LETTER. WE are glad to be able to introduce our Readers to the ' Bed Dra¬ gon' this month, and hope that he will meet with their approval. Observe please the fine double twist in his tail and the glare in his awful eye. We feel sure that any but the bravest Welshman would tremble, if he saw him " schtalin down the mountain soide in the grey av the marnin, "— like the crocodiles of the Irish game¬ keeper. By the bye no light has been thrown by any of our subscribers on the origin of our Welsh monster. Some of our home readers may be able to help us. Our thanks are due to all who have favoured us with contributions for this and the last number, and our only regret is that there are so few to thank. We must really beg officers, Non-0. officers and men to take a little trouble, only a very little is required, to keep the paper going. There are lots of young officers, who do not go in for any particular form of sport, that might we think give a helping hand to the Regimental Paper. Non-Com- missioned officers and men have many things to write about if they only would do so. Several of them have helped us, but it is to those who could but do not that we address ourselves. We try to do our best, but the Paper is not representative of Regimental opinion when its columns are filled by remarks chiefly from our own pen. In fact our editorial ink-pot won't stand the strain. We hope that it will not be long before some of our Readers at Malta and Cardiff, will enable us to chronicle their sayings and doings by sending us news of themselves. A monthly letter will contain a great deal that is safe to be of interest to all of us. Officers, N.-C. officers and men of the 1st Battalion, and those at the depot are earnestly requested to communi¬ cate with us. We shall be glad too, if some energetic N.-O. officer or man will act as our Agent at each place for the sale of the paper, to invite sub¬ scribers and contributors, and worry every one all round in a pleasant sort of way. A correspondent has drawn our attention to the fact that in our last number there was not a word about the weather, and he thinks that such a case in a newspaper, is unique. Whether he means to blame us or not we do not quite know, but in our hum¬ ble opinion the omission showed that we had something more interesting to write, about, though if the truth must be told we forgot all about it. We are apt to leave out a good many items that might be of interest to several among us here, and to most of our friends at home. We all get so soon c broken in' to the ways and sights of the life around us, that nothing after a little while, strikes us as novel or strange. And yet almost every hour of the day, we meet with or hear of some¬ thing that would, only a few months ago have seemed to us like a " tra¬ veller's tale." How many, we wonder, of the men that landed at Bombay last October, had ever before seen a carriage drawn by bullocks ? Those of us who have