SUPPLEMENT TO THE MEN OF HAPLECH. Saving the Colours.—An incident of the Crimean War commemorated in Silver. 1st BATTALION. Saving the Colours of the 41st at Inkerman,—An incident of the Crimea—viz., the saving of the colours of the 41st at the battle of Inkerman —has just been commemorated by the colonel and officers of the 1st battalion of this regiment, now known as " The Welsh Regiment," in a very pleasing manner. A piece of plate, intended to represent the silver destroyed in the disastrous fire at Pembroke (in which the officers lost nearly all their gifts from past donors, and many valuable pieces which can never be replaced), has been designed by Messrs. Hunt and Ruskell, embodying the several members of this heroic colour party. It is a matter of history how, early in the morning of that memorable day, in the dense fog prevailing, this handful of men became detached from the main body, and, to their horror, found themselves right upon the Russian lines, who were preparing to fire; and, also, how they retired fighting inch by inch against such tremendous odds. One of the standard-bearers was indeed killed—and he is here represented in the act of falling—but the colours were saved, the men forming round them, defended them till succour came. The group is full of spirit, and anyone interested in artistic modelling can view it at the regiment's silversmiths' at 156, New Bond-street.