UNDEX TO VOL. III. Page Army Signalling ... 15 Army Veterans—Interview with ... 230 Answers to Correspondents 15, 36, 73, 95, 115, 177, 194, 213,232 Assault-At-Arms ... 171 A. T. A. Meeting ... 29 Bands Play—The ... 93 Billiards ... 73 Black Bards 71, 208 Cambrian Glee Society ... Ill "C" Coy's Annual Coarse of Musketry ... 151 Concerts 52,73,95,148,172,229 Cork Club 28, 48, 67, 150, 228 Cricket 91, 113, 147, 170, 188, 204, 227 Cricket—Company Tournament 188, 205 Cricket—Averages ... 228 Dinner at the Maharajah's ... 152 District Manoeuvres, 1896 ...229 Domestic Occurrences 20, 40, 58, 78, 100, 120, 156, 182, 198, 218 Draft-The ' ... 6 Editor—Letters to 15, 35, 73, 115, 177, 232 Editor's Notes 2, 20, 40, 58, 78, 100, 120, 156, 182, 198, 218 Electors of Trimulgherry—To the ... 106 England vs. Scotland First Battalion Association Football 206, 221 First Battalion March from Pembroke to Cardiff ... 125 First Battalion News 6, 23, 64, 82, 106 160 Football 11,30,32,52, 72,92,113,148,188,277 Football at Nowshera ... 27 Page Football, England vs. Scotland ... 33 Football in Bombay ... 34 Football Tournaments 52, 165, 167 Force of Habit ... 11 Garden Prizes ... 35 Gazette 5, 60, 80 Gymkhanas 11,207,208 Hyderabad Rifle Association ... 185 Hyderabad Sports ... 188 Ingram—The late Major ... 4 Joya[oi Malta ... 35 Kashmir—A Six Month's trip to 25, 45, 64, 84, 107, 143 Lawn Tennis ..< 31 Levee—How we went to the ... 191 London to Bombay ... 86 Long night ... 191 Madras to Hong Kong ... 88 M'war—A hot weather in ... 173 Military Display by 21st Hussars ... 208 Musketry — A suggestion ... 147 Mutiny at Vellore, 1806 ... 212 Notices to Correspondents 1, 19, 39, 57, 77, 99, 119, 155, 181, 197,217, 2 Obituary Notices 22, 44, 61, 123 Old Colours 41st Regiment ... 27 Orders—Extracts from Battalion 5, 22, 43, 60, 80, 104,123, 159, 184, 201, 220 Our Vivandieres ... 68 Paperchasing ... 93 Pelican Minstrels ... 31 Page Pembroke Dock—Fire at ... 35 Poetry 177, 193 Polo 11, 50, 227 Reserve—Going to the ... 49 Rifle Club 50, 114, 149 Rifle Shooting ... 211 Royal Artillery Sports ... 11 Rupshu—A 20 day's trip to ... 106 St. David's Day ... '6 Scraps from a Soldier's note book ... 69 Shooting in India ... 3i Shooting Matches 11, 95, 171, 210 Shooting Passes ,.. 63 Shooting Queen's Cup ... 210 Shooting trip ... 209 Some sentry stories ... 89 Stairs,—The late Captain W. Grant 6, 46, 65, 108, 145, 162, 186, 202, 223 Sub-Editors Notes 3, 20, 41, 59, 78,101, 12], 157, 183, 200, 219, 239 Theatricals 11, 172, 190 Three weeks in the jungle ... 51 Trial of an elephant ... 231 Two Battle Stories ... 192 Vizianagram Disturbances ... 53 Volunteer Notes 24, 161 Waterloo Day ... 01 Wellington News 44, 62, 81, 104, 124, 160 Welsh Service in the Wesleyan Church... 212 Welsh Vocalists in London ... 230