c t^H OF H4/? Vol. II. No. 6.] TRIMULGHERRY, DECCAN, INDIA- AUGUST, 1894. [Price Annas 3. CONTENTS. Notices Editor's Notes Regimental News Pi'esentation of Shooting Shield .. Secunderahad Gymkhana Meeting 3 Vol. Battn. Welsh Regiment in Camp My first Experience of an Earthquake A Soldier's life in South Attica—Continued News and a letter from Wellington Eugby Foot-hall Association Toot-hall Coy. Tournament Cricket Rules of Rugby Union Foot-ball Rules of Association Foot-ball Entertainments Miscellaneous ... Answers to Correspondents Advertisements Page .. 51 ,. 52 .. 53 ,. 54 .. 54 .. 54 .. 55 .. 56 .. 58 .. 60 .. 60 .. 63 .. 63 .. 65 .. 67 .. 67 .. 68 .. 69 NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ALL Contributions must be written on one side of the Paper only and may either (1) be placed unstamped in the Editor's box outside the Orderly Room and addressed to The Editor, Men of Harlech, or— (2) be posted direct to The Editor, 2/Welsh Regiment, Trimulgherry, Deccan, India. Manuscript need not be put in envelopes, but may be folded and fastened with gum or string and marked MS8. for Publication. By this means 10 Tolas may be sent for f anna. Contributions must in every case be accompa¬ nied by the name of the writer, which will not be published unless desired by him. Any not accom¬ panied by the writer's name will not be published. Contributions should reach the Editor before the 15th of the month. Company Agents. A. Coy. Sergt. Griffiths. B. „ Corpl. Naylor. C. „ Sergt. Cadogan. D. „ Corpl. Hart. E. Coy.Lc.-Cpl. Trotrnan. F. „ Corpl. Gower. G. „ Pte. Phillips. H. „ Lee.-Corpl. Barry. Lee.-Corpl. Meaney will act for Sergt. Cadogan during the absence of the latter at Bellary. Agent at Wellington, Lce.-Corpl. Doble. The above agents assist the Editor by acting as agents for their companies and the paper should be procured through them by the men of the Battn. The Coffee Shop also will have copies for sale. Rates of Subscriptions :— India—Officers & their friends, Messes, Clubs, Libra- l'ies, Institutes, &c... N. C. O's. and men of the Battalion N. C. O's. & men of other corps or friends, &c. Home—Officers & their friends, Messes, &c. N. C. O's. and men and their friends ° 9 o 5 00 ^ s. d. O <D a o - ■5 % s. d. 5 6 3 9 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Notices of Births, Deaths, and Marriages of all connected with the Regiment are inserted free. «-CK3?*?00—■