, »t» OF HA„lfc Vol. II. Nos. 2-3.] Trimulgherry, deccan, India-April-May, 1894. O^^- CONTENTS. Notices ... Editor's Letter and Leading Article Regimental Notes The old 69th Regiment in Canada St. David's Day... Entertainments Letters to Editor and Answers Various Sporting Advertisements Page 15 10 10 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ALL Contributions must be written on one side of the Paper only and may either (1) be placed unstamped in the Editor's bos outside the Orderly Eoom and addressed to The Editor, Men of Harlech, or— (2) be posted direct to The Editor, 2/Welsh Eegiment, Trimulgherry, Deccan, India. Manuscript need not be put in envelopes, but may be folded and fastened with gum or string and marked MSS. for Publication. By this means 10 Tolas may be sent for | anna. Contributions must in every case be accompa¬ nied by the name of the writer, which will not be published unless desired by him. Any not accom¬ panied by the writer's name will not be published. Contributions should reach the Editor before the 15th of the month. Eates of Subscriptions :— India—Officers & their friends, Messes, Clubs, Libra¬ ries, Institutes, &c.... N. C. O's and men and their friends Home—Officers & their friends, Messes, &c. N". C. O's. and men and their friends w& O 03 a o • << m If fi o d. s. d. 5 6 3 9 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Annual Subscribers leaving the Regiment before their subscription is up should see that the Color Sergeant of the company they are leaving has their address, so that the papers may be sent after them free of charge. Notices of Births, Deaths, and Marriages of all connected with the Regiment are inserted free. The men whose names we have received as desirous of being half- yearly subscribers, will be only charg¬ ed according to the number of papers due to them until the end of the half year (i.e., 31st August 1894), when subscribers for the next half year will again be called for. Men who wish to become subscribers during a half year, will be charged according to the number of papers they will receive to complete the half year. Any subscribers not understanding the above, can apply to the Editor in person, who will be delighted to ex¬ plain it to them. WANTED More Annual Subscribers TO THE REGIMENTAL PAPER.