% 2^*0 W H0r % J|en 4 A« 1$M^t jfUgraittrf* Vol. II. No. 1.] TRIMULGHERRY/DECCAN, INDIA—MARCH, 1894. 17 rice Annas 8. CONTENTS. Page Notices ... ... ... ... ... l Editor's Letter ... ... ... ... 2 Kates of Subscriptions:— 02 C5 Annual Subscriptions Govt. Eupees. Songs Without Music No. 2 ... ... ... 3 Regimental Notes ... ... ... ... 3 Depot Notes ... ... ... ... ... 5 Secunderabad Camp of Exercise ... ... ... 5 Original Poetry ... ... ... ,„ 9 Sporting Notes... ... ... ... ... 9 India—Officers & their friends Messes, Clubs, Libra¬ ries, Institutes, &c... N. C. O's. and men and their friends Advertisements ... ... ... ... 13 NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. A LL Contributions must be written on one xjL side of the Paper only and may either Home—Officers & their friends Messes, &c. N. C.O's. and men and their friends s.d. s. d. 5 6 3 9 WANTED More Annual Subscribers (1) be placed unstamped in the box for the purpose outside the Orderly Eoom at Trimul- gherry, and addressed The Editor, Men of Harlech —or (2) be posted direct to Captain R. Vyvyan, 2/ Welsh Eegiment, Poonamallee, Madras. Manuscript need not be put in envelopes but may be folded and fastened with gum or string and marked M88. for Publication. By this means 10 Tolas may be sent for | anna. Don't forget the stamp. Contributions must in every case be accompa¬ nied by the name of the writer, which will not be published unless desired by him. Any not accom¬ panied by the writer's name will not be published. The Men of Harlech will appear monthly at the end of each month. Contributions should reach the Editor at Poonamallee not later than the 10th of the month. All subscriptions must be p Annual Subscribers Regiment before their s up should see that the C of the company they ai their address, so that tr be sent after them free Notices of Births, Marriages of all connec Regiment are inserted f aid in ad leavii ubscrif )olor S( •e leavi le pape of char Death ?ted wi ree. vance. ig the >tion is 3rgeant ng has rs may ge. s, and th the TO THE REGIMENTAL PAPER.