Sfef? *X5"X GWELL AJSfCZAXJ NA CHYWILYDD. K^ Vol. XX (New Series). BLOEMFONTEIN, SOUTH AFRICA, MARCH 31st, 1909. No. 4. CONTENTS. Notice to Correspondents ..................... 1 Editorial.................................... 2 Regimental Gaffs.............................. 2 Regimental Boxing Tournament............... 2 Omar at Tempe ..................... ...... 4 Annual Athletic Sports ........................ 5 Gross Country Race........................... 7 Rugby Football Season, 1908-09 ............... 7 A 1st Battalion Football Ode.................. 9 An Inferno.................................... 9 Ci icket Notes .................................. 9 Industrial Exhibition......... ... ............ ... 13 Personally Conducted........................... 14 A Short Diary of Voyage from Southampton to Bloemfontein.............................. 14 Sergeants' Rifle Club........................... 15 NOTICE TO COKEESPONDENTS. Everyone who takes an interest; in the Regi¬ mental Paper is earnestly requested to contribute to our columns. All communications relating to the Regiment will have the first claim on our space. All accounts of shooting trips, sports of all kinds, and personal adventures will come next, and if we have space, short stories and a few jokes will be welcomed. The Editor and Sub-Editor will be pleased to have inter¬ views with men who have matters of interest to relate, and who doubt their powers of putting them on paper. Contributions should be legibly written, on foolscap if possible, and only on one side of the paper, and must be accompanied by the name of the sender, which will not be published unless desired. Stiihrpriptirm'-'.in Afriooi'uhuuld be paid by Money ■ QmAm* nnd s'uhspripfimnn from homa by Pu^Ij1 Ofljq, (ftwloiif, aj Poukil Oidcis mi uulrucguliidlflc in Afiica, fitniM>p(iijiiinifutroO)i will not bo adi'iiu^ludgud. It has been decided 'to publish the "Men of Harlech" quarterly instead of monthly. Kto iwqioom LmAimlitpiuthat their m v®vy<little t'O'i^ooordf nnd vury , tettloiifciiigft'bu du it. ' Ah, liuwavcrT'iiuiiy wbu uTWie SiiMaillun1 and vtietm oubooii'ibti&i wijll waiiL^ume re-"' cwid" uf iLvcfitiffj.........we air1 ne;1 iii doing.....what "wn ran "with" tiffs' bb Jecl Ifi VW.' " include,*!4Lnews ooncetrfliij^the quarter TTPNts^nght number/^^fthus the seco>>4 itTHmlii j i r f^° y^^^^bich will be a^^dJune 30 th —should1.......Contain all new^ from April lsOSJ^ June 3?Jto» Contributions should reach the Editor mt Mo mm rfimnfeoin before the 25th day of the last month of each quarter—i.e., March, June, September, and Decem¬ ber. They should be addressed to "The Editor, "Men of Harlech," 2nd Batt. The Welch Regt., nBlnnrnfnntninr and not to anyone by name. 7V»*t^^r^ 25 t^zJQ