Vol. VII. No. 2. AHMEDNAGAR, INDIA-APRIL 1899. [Price 3 Annai CONTENTS. Notice to Correspondents Domestic Occurrences Editor's Notes ... Extracts from Battalion Orders ... SataraNotes 4lst Regimental District Notes ... 1st Battalion Notes Here and There ■■- Weddings—Reynolds- Williams Gregory-Wray Our Welsh Column Darkest India ... The Dragon of Wales Ky Wanderings in Wales Variety Entertainment ... °riginal Poetry hockey Matches Bleats from the Goat *egin:ental Contemporaries .Vdfic 17 .13 IS 20 23 24 25 26 27 29 •'30 3] .'!2 34 35 36 30 Notice to correspondents. Tj^VERYONE who takes an interest JLJ j-q i]2e Regimental Paper is earnestly requested to contribute to °ur columns- All communications relating to the Regiment will have the first claim on our space. Accounts of shooting trips, sports of all kinds, and personal adventures will come next, and if we have space, short stories and a few jokes will be welcomed. The Editor and Sub-Editor will be pleased to have interviews with men who have matters of interest to relate, and who doubt their powers of putting them on paper. Contributions should be legibly written on foolscap if possible, and only on one side of the paper, and mast be accompanied by the name of the sender, which will not be pub¬ lished unless desired. MSS. if enclosed in a wrapper instead of an envelope, can be sent at the rate of I anna for 10 tolas or -\- d. for 2 ozs. Subscriptions in India should be paid by Money Order, and subscrip¬ tions from home by Post Office Orders, as Postal Orders are not negotiable in India. Stamps in future, will not be acknowledged. Contributions should reach the Editor at Ahmednagar before the 25th of each month, or the Sub-Editor at Satara before the 20th, and be addressed to— The Editor, " Men of Harlech" 2nd Battn. The Welsh Regt. —Ahmednagar, India, and not to any one by name. Company Agents. Ahmednagas. A. Coy, Pte. Wilson. IF. Coy. Cpl. Brown. D. „ Lce.-Cpl. Herbon. G. „ ,. Suker. E. „ „ Edmunds.]H. „ Pte. O'Connor. Satara. B. Cc Lce.-Cpl. Colville. „ Bevis. The paper should be procured men from their Company Agents. by Rates of Subscriptions .» 1 i a. , a £ I i ,S < 1 f' i o 1 ! 03 s......1 India—Officers & their friends, Messes, Clubs, Libra¬ ries, Institutes, &C...J N.-C. O's and men ofI the Battalion ... I X.-O. O's and men of other corps or friends,; &c. ' ...I Home—Officers & their friends,! Messes, &c. ... i K.-C. O's and men andj their friends ...| ■_ d. 8. •3 All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Notices of Births, Deaths, and Marriages of all connected with the Regiment are inserted free.