Welsh Journals

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Vol. IT.. Nw Series.! FEB-. 1902. . PNo. f> Natyral Observer: A Quarterly Record of Natural Phenomena in Wales. Edited bv ARTHUR MEE, A SHEAF OF PRACTICAL Sl&txESTftJXti. Bv Noimu* Lattby, HINTS TO SPEOTROSCOPISTS. By Bmrxk Houkh.- ■ THE QUABTEE'S WEATHEIi. <>BSEK\ A'iloNS DP THE QTARTEB. &<;. <gr I ' * s ' aius Memboif of the Astroiiotniea! Society oi WaJee?, copies of the "Gsmtarian NatttmJ Observer" arc. supplied to the Public Libraries of Wales and Monmoitth- sbiw., aud to van ^ AitT'tu«mihal( > i» ,. * ;,i« I nrv""ii>r« at huri - J ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, 2/6, ' -Ail ;0b*ir.?'*.«ts'.»r,s a«d Literary Mattfef. -feo' fee addiHWsed—The Editor, Tremy-nfa., Llnnishcfi, Cardiff* All Subscriptions "to Mr, Charles Iff,- Btuiamtm. "LJoytfn Bank, Pcuarth. *'