25i Cardigan, and has provided John Davies as his substitute who was duly inrolled on the 8th day of May 1817. D. J. Jenkins Clerk to the Subdivision Meeting for the Hundred of Moythin." The above-named Abel Evans was a farmer living at Kiler- wisg in the parish of Silian, and the Clerk to the Meeting was David Joel Jenkins the Postmaster at Lampeter. The original Certificate was found amongst a heap of rubbish, amidst the depredations of rats and mice, in the garret of Kilerwisg. which I was invited to examine, and as it happened I found several little bits of value amongst the papers, though I had been under the impression that there were thousands of old books there. Lampeter. John Davies. The Gwynnes of Glanbran (Vol. II.. p. 329 ; Vol. III., p. 2-20).—The following interesting particulars, re-produced, by permission, from the Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, relate to Colonel Howel Gwynn, Llanbrayn :— " During the period of the civil war, and later, until the reins of government were seized and held by Oliver Cromwell, the fortunes of Englishmen weie greatly at the mercy of Parliamentary Committees. The records of some of these Committees have come down to us in good preser¬ vation. The first in order of date was that for Advance of Money, its object being to furnish the sinews of war to the parlia¬ mentary party. It was appointed on the 26th November, 1642, on a previous order in Parliamentof 14 November, that the Public faith of the Kingdom should be given for