353 THE MILITIA IN WALKS- {Continued from page 343.) THE CARDIGANSHIRE MILITIA. The regiment had its Summer ,Camp and Winter Quarters at " Swansey " in 1778, and its Officers stood as follows on 14 May 1779, according to the Militia List for that date :—Major Commandant, ' Lord Vaughan 1 Mar. 1772. Captain, Thomas Powell 26 Mar. 1778. Lieuts., Thomas Lloyd 1 May 1765, William Lewis 22 June 1778. Ensigns, Jenkin Evans 29 May 1778, one vacancy. Adju¬ tant, Thomas Lloyd. Quarter-Master, John Hamerton 26 May 1778. Surgeon, vacant. Agents, Messrs. Cox and Mair, Craig's Court. On 10 June 1779 the Cardigan Militia was quartered at Pembroke, under Commandant Lord Vaughan, the Ensign's name being spelt Gewan Evins, In the List dated War Office, 31 March 1782, the Officers are the same as those given on page 260, vol. i., Old Wales, excepting that the Ensigns are given as Robert Stevenson, — Hammerton 20 Mar. 1781, — Williams 15 July do., — Wlgley 16 do., and the Agents' address is No. 9, Lisle Street, Leicester Fields. After the embodiment in 1793 the regiment was also completely re-officered, and on 28 July 1794 the roll was :— Major,, William Lewis. Captain, John Brooks 26 June 1793. Lieutenants, E. L. Cole, R. Williams. Ensigns, William C. Gilberton 26 June 1793, one vacancy. Adjutant, E. L. Cole. Quarter-Master, E. L. Cole. Surgeon, R. Williams. Agent, Mr. Thomas, Pay Office (see Old Wales, vol. ii., p. 270). On 14 May 1795 the Officers were:— Major, William Lewis 10 June 1780. Captain, John Brooks