257 WALES UNDER THE COMMONWEALTH. (Continued from page 232.) THE COMMONWEALTH IN RADNORSHIRE. LETTERS AND ORDERS. 1650, May 29.—Committee for Sequestrations for South Wales to the Committee for Compounding. We sequestered Bryan Crowther of the County of Radnor, and sold his per¬ sonal estate, which amounted to £20 10s., and will receive the profits of his real estate, unless he perfects his com¬ position before his rents are due at Michaelmas. WTe crave allowance for agents, or we cannot improve what is under sequestration, nor discover who are liable thereto, as these six counties are very specious, and inhabitants, especially those that are guilty, are so rude and barbarous that nothing can be had from them but what is wrested by force. We could not get a certificate of our taking the oath, as there is no justice of the peace near. 1651, March 11.—Committee for Compounding to the Committee for South Wales. You write that some of the Commissioners wish to retire. We cannot force men to act against their mind. You are to lew £20 a piece on the former Commissioners, and if they are still refractory, and do not bring in their accounts, we will send for them in custody. We find that the Radnorshire Committee received rents till 25 March 1650, which, by the Act of 25 January 1650, they were disabled to do, therefore the same are to be levied from their treasurer and sequestrators. 1651, Dec. 16.—Order by the Committee for Compound¬ ing, London, that William Stephens, John Dauntsey, junr., and John Yardley be Commissioners for the County of Radnor.