6s THE MILITIA IN WALES. (Continued from page 50.) THE PEMBROKESHIRE MILITIA. To the Editor of " Old Wales." FORT HUBBERSTONE, MlLFORD HAVEN. I beg to enclose herewith extracts from the " Records of Service " of the Pembroke R.G.A. (M.). and hope they will be of some use. R. H. McCtxloch, Capt. R.A. 24 Jan. iqo(>. Adjt.. Pembroke R.G.A. (M.). Short Digest of Ser\'ices of the Pembroke Royal Garrison Artillery Militia. For>nation.—The Regiment appears to have been formed at Haverfordwest on the nth December 1759. under the dignity and title of the Pembroke Militia. An extract from the London Gazette (Xo. 9.812. dated 29 July 1758), contains a letter from Sir Win. Owen Bart., His Majesty's Lieutenant for the County of Pembroke and the Town and County of Haverfordwest, dated Landshipping, 21 July 1758. desiring a meeting of all persons qualified according to the several acts to serve as officers in the Militia of the said County and County and Town, and willing to accept commissions for that purpose—such meeting to be holden at the Angel Inn, Haverfordwest, on Tuesday, the 15th August next by 10 o'c. in the forenoon in order that every person so qualified and willing to accept a commission may at such meeting deliver his name in writing, &c, specifying the rank in which he is willing to serve.