he ABSTAINER A Monthly Temperance Magazine for circulation in South Wales and Monmouthshire. $£$$ Communications for the Editor should be addressed to the Offices of the Union 35, WINDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. Vol.. XXI. 10. OCTOBER 1910. ONE PENNY. *&r&8 *t rC3»»£3~«£2-»£l».£3~£i—£5—£3__£3__tl__n Kr, 4-Mj4><ji><i| :cipqpqpt:pripq;3t5 flfcotto for tbe coming Winter's Mork. f "Be ye faithful, immovable, ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD." .........lB3RPlBHSx; U WJ L^ LJ C WJ kj kJ I.J IAT Temperance Sunday is fixed for Nov. 13th. IAT Temperance week is fixed at the Cory Hall for the same week. IAT the list of speakers should draw full houses. [AT the Annual Report of the Cardiff Branch of the National Commercial Temperance League shows an increase of 55 members and lady associates, the membership now numbering 186. IAT much good, principally of a social nature, has been accomplished. [AT the musical evenings in the winter, together with lantern lecture, annual children's party and Christmas tree, etc , have been well sus¬ tained. tAT the National Executive visited Cardiff, and a good contingent of members attended the League Conference held at Birmingham. :at unquestionably the main credit of the success of the branch is due to Mr. Rowland E. Morris, the hon. sec, and Mrs Morris. at Mr. Carl. J. Marshall, for some time our evening advocate, has added one more to his many successes by passing the Intermediate Examination of the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine at the London University, with honours in Pharmacology. That the many workers who know him and his father, Mr. C. W. Marshall (who for many years has been actively associated with the Union) will offer warmest congratulations on the present, and hearty wishes for future success. That the Penarth Road United Methodist friends pay for their " Abstainers " with funds obtained from penny entertainments. That " Abstainer night " is a " special." That before the papers are distributed prayer is offered that they may be made a blessing in the homes of the members. That one good temperance friend going past a Band of Hope meeting-place and seeing the children waiting outside and no workers present, went in and took charge of the meet¬ ing, and reported a " good time." That out wonders what would be said by the church if the Sunday School teachers did not turn up and school was not held. That the same watchful care wants to be over other agencies (including the Band of Hope) connected with the church. That it certainly is "hard lines" because a zealous conductor, whose work is uncertain, cannot turn up that the meeting should be neglected. That the applications for the speakers' plan num¬ bered over 350. That Canton Parish Band has printed and circu¬ lated its quarterly programme among the members. That it appears full of variety and yet there is '' a special speaker each evening.''