he ABST A Monthly Temperance Magazine for circulation in South Wales and Monmouthshire. '.'• ' Communications for the Editor should be addressed to the Offices of the Union 35, WINDSOR PLACE, CARDIFF. Vol.. XXI. MARCH, 1910. ONE PENNY. O^e Hour Per \XTeek. T is often asked, especially by friends who, like Jonah, run away from duty and sit moping under the gourd— "How is it that, after 70 years of Temperance effort, Britain is still a drink-cursed country, and the sellers v of drink exert such immense power both socially and politically ? " It is excusable if, under the circumstances, we answer the question by asking another—" How is it that, after 1900 years of Christianity. England is not yet won for Christ ? " Still we are bound to confess to a sense of dis¬ appointment when we reflect upon things as they are. It is true that much progress has been made. Steadily, year by year, the Temperance cause has been gaining ground. Ridicule has given place to respect, sneers to commendation, and in every walk of life the abstainer is regarded not as a fanatic but as one who at least is right in the main. Abstinence has invaded the palace as well as the cottage. Intoxicants are no longer essential to state and civic functions, while all classes of society from Royalty downwards bless the move¬ ment. Science, too, lifts her voice and confirms the opinion held by the earliest pioneers, that alcohol is not only not necessary, but is decidedly detrimental to physical life, while the church, too often the last to enter the lists against giant forms of evil, declares with no uncertain sound that alcoholic liquors place a barrier between religion aS thos e outside her border by thwarting every effort'for good and intensifying every form of evil. ..Such a question, however, as that at the begin¬ ning of this article should send workers on a course of self examination. Would more earnest effort have sent the move¬ ment further ahead ? Is the best work being done ? Do we realise that we are turning out future voters and empire builders? Do we realise sufficiently the imperial value of a child ? Have we been insistent enough in pressing home Temperance truths, and inspiring in the minds of the boys and girls we are privileged to teach, a hatred of intoxi¬ cants ? Nothing but deep conviction that alcoholic liquors are thoroughly bad and dangerous will save the boy when he goes out into life, and this conviction can only be secured by faithfully using every means that will drive home Temperance truth. Hence a Band of Hope should be first and foremost a Temperance Society, The hour per week should be used to the full for this purpose. Temperance hymns, temperance recitations, tem¬ perance prayers, temperance Bible reading, and above all a Temperance address. As a peal of bells may be rung in an almost infinite number of ways, so temperance teaching can be so imparted that it never appears to be a repetition. We cannot expect, with home example being, alas, as it too often is—directly opposed to the teaching of the Band of Hope—to make all the progress we ought, but much more will be made if the teaching be faithfully given. It should be made clear that the term "poison" is ever associated with alcoholic liquors, and that even the strictest moderation is both dangerous and unwise. Sim¬ plicity is the friend of the best speaker, and this should not be overlooked in imparting those truths so necessary to the child's future welfare. It is well to look back, it is also well to look for¬ ward. Victory may be delayed, but it is sure to come. It may not be ours to take part in the final shout of triumph, but if we faithfully labour to uproot the weeds and plant good seed in the heart soil of pur lads and lasses, we cau afford to con¬ fidently work and wait, knowing that those whom we have been privileged to teach will be the stan¬ dard bearers in that great day of victory. M % S What We Have Heard, m That over 37,000 visits were paid by the police to the licensed houses in the city, to stop the sale of liquor to persons under the influence of drink, and to see that the law was not infringed in other ways. That we wonder if the police spend as much time on persons who steal as they do looking after persons who sell intoxicating liquor.