he Abstainer The Monthly Magazine of the Cardiff & District Temperance and Band of Hope Union. Communications for the Editor should be addressed to the Offices of the Union, 35, Windsor Place, Cardiff Vol. XVII. 9. SEPTEMBER, 1906. ONE PENNY. BECAUSE. £ " Because thou hast been faithful .... I will make thee ruler." NOT because thou hast done great things or tried to do, but because thou hast been faithful. Herein lies the encouragement and inspiration for the one who feels shut in through want of ability or enlarged opportunity. Not how much, but how faithful. The smallest, ministers rank with the most conspicuous. In Band of Hope work, as in any other, faithfulness is essential to success. But where children are concerned, the utmost diligence should characterise our methods, for children are the first to discover and take advan¬ tage of slip-shod work. Faithfulness cannot stand alone. It brings in its train a host of other virtues, all of which help to transform and make such a character that will stand the wildest and fiercest storm of temptation. " Live up to the best that is in you," is a motto every worker should constantly have before their eyes. God cannot carry out His inten¬ tions to the full unless I give my best. This thought, rightly apprehended, will ring the death knell to slip-shod methods of work and indifferently arranged meetings. Programmes will be prepared and speakers notified ; the pledge will have it proper place and be frequently enforced; love will be the supreme prompter of all our dealings; money will be secured and the proper equipment for effective work will be found, because it enables the society to faithfully fulfil its mission. Only our best pays in the long run. It may take years to discover wherein we,failed or succeeded. But our work shall be revealed* The bridge looked a thing of beauty, and stood for years, but it gave way because there was a flaw in the steel. The ship sank because a slip-shod carpenter covered up the weak spot. That boy yielded to a sudden temptation because his conductor had not properly informed him as to the terrible nature of alcohol; and his whole life was wrecked thereby. Because of this lack, the image of God was stamped out, and the die of the devil took its place. The child has a right to every bit of light which God has given us. "Be thou faithful," " Be thou faithful." "You must live each day at your very best, The work of the world is done by few. God asks that a part be done by you." Natiooal British Woiu«o'sT<n)p<rao« Associate to Visit Cardiff. HE National Executive Committee of the above Society, with Lady Carlisle at their head, are coming to Penarth to hold their Sessions on the last week of September—from 27th to Oct. 1st. The Committee consists of about 120 representative ladies from all parts of England and Wales, and is composed of many renowned and talented women including the wives of prominent members of Parlia¬ ment and Cabinet Ministers. Lady Carlisle's daughter The Lady Cecilia Roberts (wife of the eminent M.P. who so valiantly fights for Temperance) is expected. Lady Dorothy Howard, who leaves these meetings to sail for Boston to speak at the World's Conven¬ tion, Lady Mary Murray and Lady Aurea Howard are also speakers, and are expected to grace our assembly. Wednesday, September 26th, Drawing Room Meeting at Mrs. Reggie Moxey's. On Thursday, September 27th, a Conference will be held at Penarth, subject, "Disinterested Manage¬ ment of Public Houses." Thursday evening at eight o'clock, a reception is to be given at the Assembly Rooms, Town Hall, Cardiff, by Mr. and Mrs. John Cory, of Duffryn. Friday, 28th. The Executive Committee will hold its All Day Session for business, with Lady Carlisle in the chair Friday evening, Mass Meeting at Penarth. Saturday, 29th, "Y" Executive Meetings at Penarth. Saturday evening. Great Meeting at Cory Hall, Cardiff. Addresses by The Lady Cecilia Roberts and several eminent speakers. Sunday, 30th. Addresses at about 20 churches by Members of Executive. Monday, Oct. 1st. Mass Mothers' Meeting at Roath Road Wesleyan Church at 2.45. It is earnestly hoped that all the Temperance Friends will rally to hear and support these ladies in the interests of the great work of Temperance Reform._____________ OPEN AIR MEETINGS each day, at Dock Gates, from 1 to 2 p.m., and at Holmesdale Street, Grange, at 7.30, commencing September 3rd. Speaker: MR. E. J. JOHNSON (Derby) 1 DEBATE. Cory Hall, Sept. 8th. "Shall the Liquor traffic be Municipalised?"