VOL. XVI. No 12. DECEMBER, 1905. ONE PENNY. ^Abstainer *S?lu "To drink no Wi"e all our days." O^J T« JEREMIAH xxxv., 8. T^HE Monthly Magazine of the Cardiff and District Temperance & Band of Hope Union. ///////// Aw-»mmMmwMrmw£m»^:m%m'/^ / a / / / / ////// . 29 & 30, ST. MARY STREET, 292, BUTE STREET, 78, QUEEN STREET 1, ST. JOHN SQUARE, CARDIFF. Also at 15 other Branches. Their Clothing is the Best and Cheapest. A. M'Lay & Co., Ltd., Printers and Lithographers, 6, Duke Street, Cardiff. .' '