TfSe 12ewpoi[f J?res6yferian. *» ORDER OF HAVELOCK STREET. Sunday—10 15 a.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m. ......... School 3 pm. .........Men's Service Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15pm.......... Prayer Meeting 8.15p.m.......... C. E. Society Tuesday—6.30 p.m. ...... Band of Hope 7.30 p.m.......... Teachers'Class Wednesday—3.30 p.m....... Dorcas Society 7.30 p.m. ... .. Church Meeting 8.30 p.m ...... Singing Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade MONTHLY (May, i V*7'J|'S will be seen on another page, the Opening I Hi Services of the new chapel at Caerleon l«-JL Road have been greatly blessed. In spite J of disappointment, all went well. Men failed us ; but God was faithful and true. The church has had a most excellent start. Surely the future is secured. * # The chapel has been well tested. Critics of all kinds have pronounced judgment. Every man can judge a chapel, as every man can judge a sermon. Caerleon Boad Chapel has satisfied the many, and dissatisfied the few. All are agreed that its exterior is very fine. The walls are solid, the front is beautiful, and the general appearance is pleasing. The interior, how¬ ever, is not so generally good. As the church will prosper, all the small blemishes will doubtless be re¬ moved. Side galleries, let us hope, will soon be wanted : they will be a great improvement. Pews will be another improvement. A little decoration will relieve the painfully plain expanse of the walls. In many ways experience and prosperity can make perfect a chapel that is already good. * # In our last number we referred to the need of another move forward in Havelock Street, and to an opening then presented in Pill. Since then matters have cleared very much. The opening is undoubtedly of the Lord. We know that prayers have been offered, asking the Lord to open the way for us in Pill. And now, in a very unexpected way, these prayers have been answered. The opportunity has assuredly come. The matter has been considered by the Deacons, and unanimously they have decided to move on. In a few days we shall be able to present a report to the church, and we trust the matter will be taken up with great enthusiasm. ...... Prayer Meeting Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour SERVICES. CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class 6 p.m. . ...... Open Air Service Communion—Last Sunday in the month. Monday— 7.30 p.m. S.30 p.m... Tuesday—2.30 p.m. ...... Mothers'Meeting 7 p.m......... Band of Hope 8 p.m. " Hope of Maindee " Good Templars Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m....... Church Meeting 8.30 p.m....... Choir Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade NOTES. 896.) It is gratifying to find that the Band of Hope in Havelock Street is making such strides to the front. For some time it has been weak and lagging. Now, however, it is renewing its strength, and taking its place as an active society by the side of 1 he Sunday School and the Christian Endeavour. These three institutions together ought to be an unspeakable power for the training of our children and our young people in the knowledge and service of our Lord. * * We hope the Men's Service in Havelock Street will not clash with the Sunday School. Such an event would be regrettable indeed. We have heard not a few unkind criticisms of the Men's Service from per¬ sons who ought to know better. The service is five Sundays old, and is a greater success than we had ever expected. It is not meant to supersede the adult classes of the Sunday School. Oo the contrary, after a little time, we trust that members of the Men's Service will find their way into the adult classes. By the service we hope to lay hold of those who now go nowhere, give them a taste of spiritual things, and then pass them on to the classes. But if this good work is hindered, the results will be serious. # # Is the school accommodation of Havelock Street not argument for immediate action ? The Schoolroom is too small, and class-rooms are needed. To relieve the crowded Schoolroom the Pill Scheme will do good service. Class-rooms could be easily built over the Lecture Hall and Vestry. Three good class-rooms could be obtained, and the immense headroom of the Lecture Hall would be reduced, to the comfort and pleasure of all concerned. We see no signs of a new chapel, and we therefore suggest this alternative scheme. The new chapel is a thing to dream about in moments of excitement, and then forgotten for the rest of time.