TF>e ;12ewpoiff £rc86Yfcrian. if ORDER OF SERVICES. HAVELOCK STREET. Sunday—10 15 a.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ... ... Preaching 2.30 p.m. ...... ... School 3 p.m. ... ... ...Men's Service Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15 p.m.......... Prayer Meeting 8.15 p.m.......... C. E. Society Tuesday-6.30 p.m. ...... Band of Hope 7.30 p.m.......... Teachers'Class Wednesday—3.30 p.m....... Dorcas Society 7.30 p.m. ... .. Church Meeting 8.30 p.m ...... Singing Practice Thursday —7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class 6 pm. . ...... Open Air Service Communion—Last Sunday in the month. Monday—7.30 p.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 8.30 p.m... Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour Tuesday—2.30 p.m. ......Mothers'Meeting 7 pm. .. ...... Band of Hope 8 p.m. "' Hope of Maindee " Good Templars Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m. ... ... Church Meeting 8.30 p.m....... Choir Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m. ... ... Boys'Brigade Saturday 8 p.m, ... ... Pleasant Saturday Nights MONTHLY (April, IT is pleasant to say that the Lord's work continues to prosper in our midst. Signs of victorious progress are seen everywhere. Our churches are becoming ever more alive to their res¬ ponsibilities and privileges, and their work is done with deepening earnestness which is most beautiful to behold. Look where you will, there is progress. * * Has not the time come for another movement for¬ ward? The Caerleon Road Church will surely be watchful of our Connexional interests on the Maindee side of the Usk. They will use every advantage, every opportunity of service, every opening for exten¬ sion. Being themselves mission-born, they will naturally send forth missions again. As Maindee is growing so rapidly, opportunities and openings will be many. Most earnestly we beseech the brethren in Caer¬ leon Road to be bold and brave, and to keep moving. * * Havelock Street likewise must keep moving. We have never known so much enthusiasm as there is now in Havelock Street, and we believe it should be used for the opening of new work. Twelve months ago we advocated in these columns the opening of branch schools in Pill and Risca Road. Has not the time for this arrived ? o o We are glad to say that an opening in Pill is now presented to us, and when the conditions are made known, we feel assured that Havelock Street Church will rise to the occasion with all needed enthusiasm. We have already placed the matter before a number of friends, and they have unanimously expressed sym¬ pathy and joy. The Spirit is opening the way for us. The Pillar is moving on. Our opportunity has come. NOTES. 1896.) The Havelock Street Prayer Union has now 43 members. It is a very blessed thought that in 43 hearts there is daily remembrance of the Minister's Work, daily prayer for God's blessing, daily sympathy with the Gospel and the Pulpit. Does this number represent all the praying members in Havelock Street ? Do the others shrink from daily prayer ? We should be glad if the 43 were 143. o""o The Sunday Afternoon Men's Service in Havelock Street has made a capital start, and the promise of good results is already assured. Several members who attended no place of worship have already joined, and others are coming. We need more canvassers and helpers. Will some of our readers come to our help? * # We rejoice to hear that the Mothers' Meeting con¬ tinues to prosper. This work was started last October. Fifteen members attended the first meeting. Now the membership is sixty-eight! This is an increase of fifty-three in six months. Surely the homes of Baneswell must be cheered and bettered by the bright and uplifting influences of this work. We owe great gratitude to the faithful and devoted sisters who are in charge. May God bless them, giving them an ever richer experience of His grace, and an ever fuller assurance ol His blessing. * * During the last quarter, our church membership has gone up rapidly. We started the year with 173 mem¬ bers in Havelock Street, and 91 in Caerleon Road. At the end of the quarter (31st of March) there were 188 in Havelock Street, and 99 in Caerleon Road, a total of 287. Another proof that the time has come for further extension.