Tf)e IZewpoiff fecs^yferian. ORDER OF SERVICES. HAVELOCK £ Sunday—10 15 a.m. 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting Preaching School ...Men's Service Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15 p.m.......... Prayer Meeting 8.15p.m.......... C. E. Society Tuesday—6.30 p.m. ...... Band of Hope 7.30 p.m.......... Teachers'Class Wednesday—3.30 p.m....... Dorcas Society 7.30 p.m. ... .. Church Meeting 8.30 p.m ...... Singing Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ... ... Preaching 2.30 p.m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class 6 p.m. ... ... ... Open Air Service Communion—Last Sunday in the month. Monday—7.30 p.m. ... ... Prayer Meeting 8.30 p.m... Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour Tuesday—2.30 p.m. ... ... Mothers'Meeting 7 p.m. ... ... ... Band of Hope 8 p.m. " Hope of Maindee " Good Templars Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m....... Church Meeting 8.30 p.m. ... ... Choir Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade Saturday—8 p.m. ... ... Pleasant Saturday Nights MONTHLY NOTES. (March, 1896.) ""E wish to remind our readers of the Open¬ ing Services, in Caerleon Road, on Easter Sunday. We hope to have large congregations, liberal collections, and overflowing blessings. On the next page we insert a balance statement of the Building Fund, which we ask our readers to read and consider. * * A generous friend has signified his intention of presenting an Organ to the Caerleon Road Church. Another friend is presenting a very handsome Clock. Generosity of this kind is most touching. Other gifts, we hope, will follow. Who, of our readers, will give a Bible and Hymn Book for the Pulpit ? one or two or three Pulpit Chairs ? a Communion Table ? a Read¬ ing Desk ? Carpet for Pulpit and Stairs ? Table, Chairs, Carpet, &c, for the Vestry? Here are opportunities for the generous. And these are only a few instances out of many. We shall be glad to re¬ ceive the names of intending'givers. * # We congratulate our Precentor in Havelock Street upon the results which have already followed his efforts in the improvement of the Congregational Singing. The Choir is becoming & power. The chants are a most pleasing feature of the services. Other im¬ provements are to follow. May the Spirit use all for the glory of the Lord. Our Christian Endeavour Societies are thriving. The young people are interested in spiritual things. A desire for deeper consecration is more and more manifest. We are expecting great things in the immediate future. The Band of Help, with the sister societies, is stronger than ever. Tract distribution, sick visiting, penny banks, gospel meetings, cottage prayer—what a noble sphere of work it is ! And our sisters are doing the work with zeal and with untiring energy. The district around Havelock Street, with all its sin, is bound to feel the purifying power of such holy fire. God bless our Lydia and our Dorcas. A service for men on Sunday afternoon is to be started in Havelock Street. Another step in the right direction. A Gospel Service, that is the name ! No secondary attractions ! nothing to amuse ! nothing to attract, save the Word and Spirit ! How many of our brethren will come and help ? Altogether things are looking up. Our Prayer Meetings are growing week by week in numbers and in power. Our Church Meetings are likewise on the up-grade. Our Sunday Schools are showing more life than ever. There is harmony, and there is hope, and there is heartiness. With a band of Christian people thus blessed, the Lord's work will prosper. o e In Havelock Street a number of members have agreed together to devote some portion of every day to prayer on behalf of the ministry. This Prayer Union will be a great blessing. Already 32 have joined. The Card of Membership may be had on application. We heartily commend the matter to the consideration of the church in Caerleon Road.