Tf)e IZewpoiff £res6Yferian. /5 ORDER OF SERVICES. HAVELOCK STREET. Sunday—10.15 a.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m. ......... School Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15 p.m.... 8.15 p.m.... Tuesday—6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.... 8.30 p.m. Wednesday—3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Thursday—7.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Literary Society Band of Hope Teachers' Class ... Bible Class Dorcas Society Church Meeting. Singing Practice Boys' Brigade CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p.m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class 6 p.m. ,„ ...... Open Air Service Communion—Last Sunday in the month. ... Monday—7.30 p.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 8.30 p.m... Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour Tuesday—2.30 p.m. ... ... Mothers' Meeting 7 p.m. ... ...... Band of Hope 8 p.m. " Hope of Maindee " Good Templar Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m....... Church Meeting 8.30 p.m....... Choir Practice Thursday—7.30 p.m....... Boys'Brigade Saturday —8 p.m.......Pleasant Saturday Nights CHURCH NEWS. Jumble Sale. (Havelock Street.) This Winter, the Dorcas Society has been endeav¬ ouring to carry on its work on new lines, not as in former years by giving articles of clothing, etc., away, but by providing for those in need of help, garments at as low a cost as possible. With this end in view the Mothers' Meeting was started, and as was shown in a previous number of this Magazine, that effort has been greatly blessed. Encouraged by the success of the Mothers' Meeting, it was decided at a meeting of the Dorcas Society, early in December, to ask members of the Church and Congregation for left-off clothing, old furniture, or articles of any description which they could spare, and to hold a Jumble Sale in the Schoolroom early in the year. The friends responded willingly to the appeal, and a large and wonderful collection was soon made. January 16th was the date fixed for the sale, but for some days previous, a trans¬ formation scene was going on in the schoolroom. There was a very attractive refreshment stall, and one table of new garments mostly made in the Dorcas meetings, and sold at the cost of the material. The other tables were composed of second hand clothing, and in the centre of the room was a miscellaneous assortment of furniture, books and boots. The ad¬ mission was Id. Some minutes before 3 o'clock, a number of women were waiting for admission, and in a few minutes after 3, the room was crowded. By 4 o'clock, the tables were almost completely cleared. A number of men's hats was the only drug in the market, and it is supposed that they must have been somewhat out of the prevailing style, as they failed to find purchasers, even at the modest sum of Id. each. Although all the articles were sold at very small cost, the sum of £13 was realized. L. L, D. Havelock Street Sunday School. On the ]9th of January, medals were awarded to Annie Dyer, Rose Snell and George Snell, for attending the School every Sunday during the year, and a Bronze Medal was awarded to Gwendoline Jones, for repeating the greatest number of verses during the year. The following Scholars were also presented with prize books for repetition of verses : Gwendoline Jones, Maria Thomas, Louie Daw, and Blanche Snell. It should be specially mentioned that the four last named scholars belong to Miss Alice Griffiths' Class. T. P. J. Havelock Literary Society. The meetings of the above Society were resumed after the Christmas vacation on Monday, 13th Jan¬ uary, when a paper was read by Mr. E. J. Powell, the subject of which was "Are Christian Endeavour Societies helpful to the Churches." The objects of the Society were clearly explained, and during the evening, a resolution was passed expressing the desirability of forming a branch of the Christian Endeavour Society in connection with Havelock Street Church. A very successful musical evening was held on the 20th January, the programme of which reached a high standard of excellence, being contributed to by Madam Brython Thomas, Miss Ada Davies, Miss Amy Llewellyn, Mr. Smith, and Mr. G. P. Reynolds. Mrs. G, P. Reynolds, Madam Brython Thomas, and Miss Hazell fulfilled the duties of accompanists. The Members of the 'Society must feel grateful to the music secretary for the musical treats provided them this session, and it is to be regretted that a greater number do not avail themselves of the opportunity of enjoying such pleasant evenings. E. I. E